Odd and annoying behavior


New member
I'm having a new problem with Cubase 5. Whenever I'm auditioning EZDrummer patterns from within EZDrummer, everything sounds fine. But after I drag a pattern into a cubase track and play it using the main transport play button, the sound gets all glitchy and I'm getting a little red bar in the upper left CPU load indicator in the transport window. And this is with NOTHING else running. It's like my system is on the verge of overload when it's sitting there doing nothing. What's going on here?
you got the highest presampling (EDIT: I MEANT BUFFER SIZE) set on your device? longer delay means more cpu power available, if thats still not enough maybe EZdrummer has a lower quality option like SSD4 and if its still not it then i guess your computer just isnt cut out for this game