Octava mk219


New member
I was wondering what uses i can get out of this mic.. would this work good for an overhead to pickup the cymbals with a nice tone and not makiong them sound Tinny??
where is the mk219 postitioned and how do you think it would perform as a dedicated kick drum microphone? Also, sound samples would be MUCH appreciated. Thanks!

Yikes, I made that post a loooong time ago. I've since upgraded to Rode NT5s for overheads. If I recall I had the 219 and 319 rubberbanded togther and angled over the middle of the kit. Certainly ghetto for sure, I've since gotten a second mic stand too. But since you asked I'll record a short clip with the 219 and the 319 setup.
thanks Nik D! I don't think it sounds bad on the kick at all. Very tamed, seems you'd need little EQ and compression? What you think?

I think it's ok if you're going for that punchy kinda thud sound. I personally like more attack, so I stick to a regular kick mic inside the drum. On that sample I did give it a slight low and high end boost too.
ur right it did sound kinda dull. my birch drums have a LOT of attack though...i think i'm not gonna get either oktava mk319 or mk219..just purchased an at3035.