Occassional Horrid squelching noise during playback


New member
Sometimes, while I am tracking in PT and playing back a selection for practicing overdubbing. When I hit the space bar, I get this horridly loud squelch noise that comes through once in a while. Scared the heck out of me, so I always turn down my headphones and monitors before everytime I hit play. It is annoying to do this all the time, and re-adust levels.


I somehow think it has something to do with the computer "putting off interupts", and all the noise is caught up until I hit play and it gets released...
This has happened to me inexplicably. I equate it to the interrupts or a glitch in the system while triggering certain plug-ins. For instance, I was switching a Waves plug-in to another plug-in while playing the track in question. Next thing I know my ears are fried. I am sure there is a specific technical explination - but I don't know it. It happens rarely for me. When it does, I feel like punching someone at Digidesign in the balls.
Dr. Jeep said:
This has happened to me inexplicably. I equate it to the interrupts or a glitch in the system while triggering certain plug-ins. For instance, I was switching a Waves plug-in to another plug-in while playing the track in question. Next thing I know my ears are fried. I am sure there is a specific technical explination - but I don't know it. It happens rarely for me. When it does, I feel like punching someone at Digidesign in the balls.

You and I have the same set up essentially, I am going to try and get the question posted on their user conference. There has to be a good explaination, or solution, else, we are gonna fry our ears and/or speakers.
See my response in the recording techniques forum. It probably has to do with your DAE playback buffer setting.