OBSESSED with mystudio


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hello i just came across this web site through google any hooo I'm building a studio in my basement there are 4 different rooms , a control room that is about 7' x 23' a main open practice/ live recording room that is 23'x20' and 2 small iso rooms that are about 8'x8' and 10'x8' . I used the 2x6 base plate method with stggered studs on both sides and have a layer of thermal acoustical fiberglass insulation on each side. I've been doing alot of research on the web[thats how i found this page] and I've been trying to follow most of the info i've found to the best of my ability.[caulking all gaps ect.]anyway i have both sides of the walls insulated and one side drywalled i found a product on thi website www.foambymail.com called volara foam which is a barrier kinda like auralex sound barrier i think the stc was 24 just 2 points lower than auralex's. Anyway thats my next step is to apply a layer of this which is 1/8 inch thick and 1lb per square ft. to the interior part of the studio walls.I was also going to apply this and 2" wedge foam to overlap the seams on my doors.I was just wandering if anyone has ever used volara foam before and also if you get a chance go to that web site and check out their foam products they are the cheapest i've ever seen and they're stc rating is higher than auralex any way i'd appreciate any comments or feed back.
Peace out! :D
spiderman2812 said:
hello i just came across this web site . . .

You want to put foam on top of rigid fiberglass? The fiberglass outperforms the foam, so I don't know what you are trying to accomplish.

Also you've gotten far along in construction, so I doubt this will help, but an 7' x 23' control room is awfully narrow. I really don't see how you can effectively use that space.

there will be 1/8 inch volara foam under the drywall then on the outside of the drywall there will be wedge foam.
Why is the 7 ft to narrow to mix and playback??
spiderman2812 said:
Why is the 7 ft to narrow to mix and playback??

Because with your monitors at 6 ft apart, then they are only 6" from the walls. Therefore you will need a very dead acoustic space around your mix position, especially for bass frequencies.

Alternatively, if you orient across the short dimension, then the back wall is only a foot or so from your head. Same issue.

Then you have this long room with a mixing desk at one end. What are you going to do with the rest of that space?

Overall it seems like a physically and acoustically uncomfortable space. I mix in an 8.5' x 11' space (see me in the 'my tiny studio' thread), and that is too small. But I had no choice--you clearly have enough total square feet, I just don't think you've allocated them well.

Post a floorplan if you like, but somehow I doubt you want to tear down partition walls and start over :(

To answer your question about foambymail, their product is apparently less dense than Auralex and therefore has poorer performance at low frequencies. Either product is less economical than rigid fiberglass insulation mounted on the surface of the wall.
Thanks for the input the mixer will be in the middle and i had also planned on making it a really dead space . I'll try to get some pics of it sometime soon . Thanks again, I'm gonna have to check out this rigid fiberglass cuz ever since i've gotten on here that seems to be what i keep hearing about. :D