NYT opinion: It’s Time to Prepare for a Possible Trump Indictment

Well... when the title is "Unicorns Are Real"..... :-)
I’m convinced that porterhouse is indeed the devil :LOL:
Started not one, but two threads that got us all arguing again.
For a while it was so peaceful.

And as a grande finale, a thread about bowel movements :LOL: :LOL:
There. Fixed that for ya. :thumbs up:

BTW - did you catch anything the other day? See any snakes?

It was slow. Talked to a guy knowledgeable about the locale and got some good info, also views on kayak, among them put-in locations. One is about a 6 mile float down to the closet boat ramp to my residence. Should be a blast once the water warms a bit more, foliage and things on bloom. Come on down, I have two. Always good to have a partner to fish you out once a snake crawls up on top and you abandon ship.

Moved from the boat ramp area to a small sandy beach. Once the sun started to set I caught 2......carp. Heh. Way low on the totem pole. I was just fishing bottom, night crawlers and chicken liver(for cats). Minnows or tossing a lure should be more productive in the future. For now just exploring the lay of the land, so to speak...how easy it might be to get hung-up, etc. It's actually not as bad as I would have thought.

Word is Stripers move up from a lake further south to spawn in the river the first week of April. Small mouth bass, large mouth, walleye, striper, gar, of course perch and sunfish, they're in there. It's different than I'm used to at the beach, but should be fun once things start rolling and fish get more aggressive about feeding.
Ah yes.... I forgot that you're in new territory. Well, getting acquainted should keep things interesting. At least it wasn't a total bust with the two carp.

My 34 y/o son is a serious competition bass fisherman. In fact, he's competing this weekend at Lake Mohave, AZ. Large and small mouth bass are the prizes in this tourny.
I’m convinced that porterhouse is indeed the devil :LOL:
Started not one, but two threads that got us all arguing again.
For a while it was so peaceful.

And as a grande finale, a thread about bowel movements :LOL: :LOL:
Believe it or not - I like to talk about other stuff too - other than trump and poop. 😆
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For instance - I just discovered what is probably one of the better two-mic acoustic gtr capture arrangements that I've stumbled across yet. I've got two mics as close together as I can get the capsules - pointed directly at the neck/body joint. WA14 through a RND 5017, and a WA87 through a TB12. Pan to taste. I'm very pleased with the results so far.:thumbs up:
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For instance - I just discovered what is probably one of the better two-mic acoustic gtr capture arrangements that I've stumbled across yet. I've got two mics as close together as I can get the capsules - pointed directly at the neck/body joint. WA14 through a RND 5017, and a WA87 through a TB12. Pan to taste. I'm very pleased with the results so far.:thumbs up:
How did your guitar tone thread turn out? You come to any conclusion on that? I stopped following it.
I disagree.
He's spent his entire career trying to keep you healthy.
The only reason some people think differently is because of the misinformation during Covid.

For clarification purposes, are you saying Fauci did not lie? Is that the position on the matter you are taking?
How did your guitar tone thread turn out? You come to any conclusion on that? I stopped following it.
You know.... I asked that here and at another forum where there are a few knowledgeable tone-heads and when I sum all of the input on that.... I'm not sure there was a definitive conclusion. Some people were thinking humbucker - others single coils. You and I were thinking half-cocked wah- others.... probably not.

When I listen to that - I hear something unique. Something slightly unusual. Like there's two dimensions - or layers- to that tone. It was strictly for curiosity that I was asking - so I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.

Happy Sunday!
Strat, 2nd or 4th position
That's what somebody elsewhere (who's damned sharp) said as well! Duly noted. ✅

But others (including me) are thinking either LP neck PU - or the bridge PU with the tone rolled of. 🤔

Hmmmm..... I was over this - but I may look into it further just for the fun of it.
I am trying to get banned, nothing personal against you. I tried to abuse and insult the mod but that not work.
Did this shitbird get banned yet? This place went from zero Smithers to the fucking Smithers Show in a month. And his bipolar posts are annoying AT BEST.
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Did this shitbird get banned yet? This place went from zero Smithers to the fucking Smithers Show in a month. And his bipolar posts are annoying AT BEST.
Wasn’t willing to bring it up earlier. But I’m done after his last psychotic outbursts directed at me. Not playing the victim, but you gotta draw the line somewhere.

Even under good circumstances he manages to turn any thread to one all about him. You hit the new posts button on a thread and there’s a slew of posts from him having nothing to do with the thread. Just crazy stuff.
Attention whore to the max.

@gecko zzed , him just leaving or not posting would require a skill I don’t believe he has...discipline.

If he just behaved, I’d be fine with him.
Did this shitbird get banned yet? This place went from zero Smithers to the fucking Smithers Show in a month. And his bipolar posts are annoying AT BEST.
Thank you, a shitbird? I thought you were a good understanding man, you sure you are clean? I think you still drink if that is your anger, otherwise sobriety does not suit you.