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I been using nuendo for a month now. When ever i move a fader or tweak anything, it has a delay, I wanted to know is this fixable, or do i need more Ram? I'm running a P4 @ 1.5GHZ, with 128Ram.
more ram...lots more try starting at 256 mb... there also might be some latency issues, buffer issues, with the hard drive you need...7200 rpm and up....Logic Audio and PT also are very taxing when RAM is only 128 megs...its like the bare minimum to function, not process. Sucks donut! Id like to have a P4 with 1 gig of RAM myself...

LATENCY maybe... i know a lot of ppl that only have 128mb of ram using nuendo... it might be your P4 or your latency
How many tracks with plugins are you playing back? Check the performance meter when playing back the tracks. When mine gets sluggish, the cpu meter is maxing out. Then I have to solo the tracks that are using Waves Rennaisance Comps one at a time, do a mixdown with no FX except compression, import the resulting wav file to an empty track, and delete the original. Rinse and repeat. Time consuming pain in the ass, but it frees up the cpu. Maybe a future update will have an easier way! 30 tracks with 6 or 7 Ren Comps WILL cause a serious log jam.
More RAM won't make that much of a difference if any at all. It sounds to me like latency due to your soundcard and more specifically the drivers. What soundcard are you using and what drivers? ASIO drivers significantly improves this problem. Two things required to run ASIO: The software has to support it, which Nuendo does, and your soundcard has to support it.
I'm currently using cakewalk 9 and an older layla 20 interface/card. How do I know if I am running ASIO drivers?
Thanks jj
A quick look at echo's site seems to indicate that it doesn't have support for ASIO. The new echo cards do though. Cakewalk 9 doesn't support ASIO anyway. The newest echo drivers talk about WDM. Maybe Cakewalk 9 can work with that and give you lower latency. I don't know though, I'm not very familier with either of those products. Try the Cakewalk forum on this site.
Babycham, what kind of soundcard do you have? i can and have played back 121tracks with no effects and everything works fine
i know its the latency now. the latency on the 2408 isn't very good. you may not have the right driver active. you might have the the motu driver and not the asio. the lowest i've ever had a 2408mkII was 36ms... its much better than the avg card but my Delta 1010 has a latency of 2ms...

go under Devices /device setup/ Vst multitrack

where it says ASIO Driver be sure you have the Asio driver active not the pci-321 or what ever its called.