Nuendo Forum many people own Nuendo? It's pretty expensive, isn't it? Like around $1000 or something? I believe it's more of a real pro-level app than a home-recording-level app. Am I wrong?
Hi, Jim

You're right, it's about $1000-1300 street. However, the money that people invest in their home studios around is often substantial, so an extra $500 or so for a program shouldn't be much of a problem, from what I've gathered seeing other peoples' studio toys.

It is expensive, but everyone who's used it has raved about it. When I jump in, I'm getting Nuendo, versus Cubase 5.0, because everything has pointed to Nuendo as being a very high quality product.

True, not a lot of people own Nuendo now, but that's because it's only been available for a short while, if at all, if I'm not mistaken. The Nuendo user base should rise rapidly, and starting a forum for them now would help those first intrepid few who buy the program and want to have some peer discussions about it.

Lastly, this IS a home-recording site, but I believe that many, many readers will eventually own Nuendo, if only because they'll hear that Nuendo offers (I've been hearing from beta users) everything Cubase lacks, with more stability. It's been described as rock-solid by quite a few demo users.

Hope this helps.
Have you been to the Cubase for Windows Users site? ( There is a Nuendo forum there. The guy who runs the site is a beta tester for Nuendo and he talks highly of it.

However, some of the Cubase users there have complained that maybe Steinberg has been neglecting development of Cubase in favor of Nuendo. Some have also suggested that Steinberg realized Cubase needed a major overhaul at a fundamental level, but instead of reworking Cubase they decided to start all over with Nuendo. So Cubase users kind of got the short end of that. But these are just rumours. I'm not saying any of this is the case.

Yup, I've checked out that site, as well as others. I like the traffic that this site has, though, and the format is pretty cool.

And I've heard the same things you have about Nuendo and Cubase. It seems that people can't get enough of bitching about Cubase and I'm soooo tired of it. So instead of people who visit this site having to post Nuendo questions on the Cubase forum and wading through complaint after complaint about Cubase, they can post their complaints on the Nuendo board! :)

No one else seems to have any interest in this, though, huh?
I though that Nuendo looks pretty proprietary, as in only supports there own hardware which they developed for it. So, unless it supports other cards, Aardvark, Gadget etc.. I don't think it will have as large an appeal or user base as Cubase, Vegas, Cakewalk etc.

I've been using Cubase for quite awhile and don't have many problems with it. Version 5 looks very good. I've given up on Vegas for the moment, getting too many audio glitches with my hardware.
I hadn't heard that Nuendo is proprietary. I know it either has VST-plug in support now or will have it in the near future. That allows plug-ins from virtually anyone developing on that platform, which I believe is the majority of plug in makers.

I'll have to look into it futher to see whether it's proprietary on the hardware side. But you're right in saying that being proprietary would limit their user base significantly...I can't imagine they'd be that dense?