Nothing compares to your pain


New member
Hey guys,
Im new to sound recording and this is also one of my first complete compositions.
i was just wondering your opinions about my song (structure, recording, EQ, leveling, anything really). Any constructive critisisms will be greatly appreciated!
*I though i remeber reading something about not posting url till you have a certain amount of posts by i cant seem to attach the file and i might as well try it...

Ok for starters, there's too much lead guitar in several places (including the intro), and needs some reverb and a bit more crunch and high end.
there's too much reverb on the vocals which are a little bit quiet most of the time, but not always.
the double tracked vocals aren't tight enough with each other to work properly.
The drum part is quite inconsistent and often out of time, it would be worth getting an actual drummer to play it.

On a more general point, the song could probably do with some more points of interest, like acoustic the guitar part hardly changes.
The lead at the beginning comes in way to strong i think. I dig the sound of the percussion.
You could use something else in there, both guitars get a bit repetitive after a while.
I'm thinking a simple keyboard riff.
Awsome, yeah i know what you mean about the drum :P it was really just a try to figure out what i could do. thanks alot guy im really happy you say my music is crap. haha jokes, but seriously thanks
