Notes From The Unemployed

Thanks for the further comments guys. Okay, thanks to you all, *I'm* now hearing "The End" whenever I get to that guitar section. I guess stuff like the Doors is so ubiquitous it just slithers in my ears and lodges in my subconcious.

Good thing I deleted that section about wanting to fuck my mother...

BIG TIME PROPS CHRIS - Man, this is the most heartfelt vocal I've heard on these boards, I was hanging on every word. The piano is a very nice touch.

Very good job, blown away, a definite keeper.
very clean and smooth. I would have verb'd the vocal a tiny bit with the amount of crispness it had in the beginning. It was like you were leaning over and singing in my ear kinda. Nice delivery..
Hey, thanks guys! Very nice words. Cool to hear. And Pedullist, I think it's safe to say you didn't miss much with the flanging vocal.

I'm not sure what I was thinking with that one:). Thankfully I have y'all to set me straight...

It's funny, I had a tremendously hard time singing this tune. I really had to like, bend over and scrunch my eyes up and writhe around to do it. I told my girlfriend (who has a very nice clean singing voice) and she tried singing it and agreed that there was something about the melody - the intervals or something - that made it tricky for some reason although it sounds simple.

I dunno, maybe it's just me...

Thanks all,