not too many threads posted in sonic foundry


New member
I use Vegas Pro and Sound Forge to do all my multitracking...but theres very little threads in this section compared to all the cakewalk. is cakewalk a better program or something?
Different beasts. Cake (and their new flagship Sonar) includes midi and while you can mix on it, I prefer Vegas. Sonar now includes softsynths and loop software (like Acid) so if you want to use midi/softsynths/loops programs like Cake or Cubase are good. Forge is primarily an audio editor like Cool Edit and Waves. I'm not sure what else is like Vegas... but I do like Vegas for mixing down.
thanks for the info about cakewalk. i like vegas's nice and basic. i got a demo version of samplitude when i bought my soundcard and i found that to be ridiculously confusing. im not interested in looping and all that. so i guess ill just stick to my platform.
Most of Sonic Foundry's products a very easy to use.

That is probably why there are not that many posted questions in this forum. :)

I love Vegas 2.0, Sound Forge 4.5, and Acid Pro 2.0.


Sonic Vegas site

I've wondered about the lack of posts here too. Maybe this is enough to get it started.
Does anyone know how to put effects on a master track in Vegas Audio. I can put them on individual busses but how does one compress or finalize the whole mix?
bluelonestar: I believe the lack of posts here indicates that the software works as advertised. Have you read all those pleas in the cakewalk forum to explain why the stuff doesn't work? It's endless. Maybe they finally got it right with Sonar- but they mostly just scared me away with release after buggy release.

Put another way- it doesn't suck.

As to applying effects to the whole mix- mix down to a stereo pair, mute everything but that pair (or solo it), apply the effects chain you want and mix to new track.
"I'll be the roundabout..."
Geez, it'd be nice if it was a bit easier, as in doing it on the fly, but its a minor complaint.

drstawl said:

As to applying effects to the whole mix- mix down to a stereo pair, mute everything but that pair (or solo it), apply the effects chain you want and mix to new track.
Just chiming in to support what the Doc said. I've been using cakewalk w/ my Gadget Labs card for about a year now. Finally, I'm so sick of this ULTRA buggy combo, I've got Vegas coming in the mail in a couple days.... No more "What the hell is Cakewalk doing this time?" posts for me!
yes SonicFoundry plans to add midi to Vegas 3. I use Vegas Audio. After trying out Cubase and Cakewalk, I've come back to Vegas. I do wish there was automation on the aux busses. Drawing in envelopes is cool and all, but sometimes just moving a fader and recording the move is much easier. My only gripes are that and that there isn't a way to meter the master buss, if you have more than one buss setup, there is no way to know where your levels are on your mix inside the program.

The place I ordered my copy of vegas audio from said that they are out of stock. Anybody know the cheapest place I can find it?

I think that it is bad news that Vegas 3 will have midi. Many of the problems with cubase/cake and other programs is that they try to do everything..... record and edit midi, soft synths, looping, audio editing, multitrack recording etc. No wonder they are all resource hogs. I love to write and generate track in Sonar, then mix down all the audio in Vegas. I think Vegas will get a lot more buggy and use a lot more resources when it "does it all".