Not sure I have the best mic....

alamo jones

New member
..for my voice.

I do hip hop vocals....male voice, high pitched---but not too high ;)


The sound I get is pretty clean and the vocals sit well in the mix, but it feels like the AT3035 gives me a little bit of high end harshness. So I guess I'm looking for a microphone that is not as bright, and has a little bit more warmth and low end to it. Any suggestions? Working with around a $400 budget.

Thanks a lot in advance.

i have a tip sell you stuff and use ur money to support real studios they need it and you'll spend your money better :rolleyes:
Um ... okay.

If you're not in to the whole condenser sibilance thing, then you might look at adding a good dynamic to your collection.

I've used an Electrovoice RE-20 and a PL-20 with great success on rap vocals (not personally, but for clients) where high end and sibilance was an issue.
mshilarious said:
Try an SM7. Between that and the AT, you'll have two nicely complementary mics.

Yep. Good call. A Sennheiser MD-421 would be another dynamic to look at too.
tubesrawsom said:
i have a tip sell you stuff and use ur money to support real studios they need it and you'll spend your money better :rolleyes:

Todays stock comment? :rolleyes:

Anyway, to the original poster, in a pinch you could try to dial in some EQ. Cut a few dB with a wide Q setting in the area where you feel the harshness is. Even a -2dB cut can make a big difference, in my experience. Try from 5k up to 12k (for a starter -- just guessing what you may perceive as harsh).

The dynamics proposed are probably better ideas, but you could try this just to get you by until you get your next mic ;-)

-- Per.
You can get an AT 4047B (bulk) for $409 at full compass, or $389 on ebay. Fixed the harshness troubles I was having with my C1 and MXL V67. I've not heard a 3035, but people say the 4047 it's the least harsh of the AT mics.
Thank you for the input fellas (minus mr. tubesrawsom) :rolleyes:

I'm going to look into the mics you guys proposed and baekgaard I'm definitely going to do that until I can make a mic upgrade.
RE-20.....I want one so bad!

Anyways, I have a Sennheiser MD421 and it's pretty good on rap vocals, very smooth sounding. And I'm getting a 4047 in a week or two so I could update you on how that works......although I don't have a high voice.