not having to record through a whole instrument...?


New member
how can i just record the guitar part with the verse, and then maybe lay down the chorus next? how can i do this without it sounding like i did the two parts separately? is there a special function i can use that i could do this? (besides starting a new track, and laying down the chorus part there?)
It totally depends on your equipment. Most stuff will allow you to "punch in" and "punch out" at various recording points. You can also use crossfading to make the transitions less obvious. Check the manual for details on how to do this with your stuff.
The big trick is that you have to play into the next part, or play the end of the previous section into the new section. you have to play through the transitions and crossfade.
Farview said:
The big trick is that you have to play into the next part, or play the end of the previous section into the new section. you have to play through the transitions and crossfade.

that's what i want to do. it's hard to just listen and then come in. i want to play with the track (not recording yet) and then come in when the first track i layed down ends, so it's all one track that keeps going and doesn't have a sound difference. is this possible with crossfading? (what is crossfading?) oh yeah, i'm using CEP 2.0
Look up 'punching in' and 'cross-fading' in the manual. This is very basic stuff that is all explained in the documentation that came with the software. I don't use CEP so I don't know the specifics of how to do it in that program.
Farview said:
Look up 'punching in' and 'cross-fading' in the manual. This is very basic stuff that is all explained in the documentation that came with the software. I don't use CEP so I don't know the specifics of how to do it in that program.

thank you mucho. yes, spanglish. heh.