Not exactly a keyboard question...!


New member
Hi there, sorry if I appear thick.. just learning about MIDI!! I have a delta 1010LT sound card which is great. Just starting recording bass,guitar etc. The drummer has got an electronic drum kit which we were advised to record in midi then convert each track etc. When I plug the midi cables in and audio I hear it and it is creating notes on the screen to say it is recording a pad (snare) I have set the driver to delta card but no play back at all. It's all there except sound.

I run it on MAGIX Deluxe 2005 software.

There's a deticated MIDI forum over on the bbs, take a look there. I think you might want to set some parameters in you software, likt the midi out can either go out of the 1010LT's midi port, or you can send the virtual 'Midi out' from the sequenser to you software synth, like a VST plugin, or your Soundfont banks...

I assume you have set the volume level of the 'MIDI SYnth' or "SW Synth' in your [Start>programs>accessoires>multimedia>sound control] thing up?

I'd suggest you'd take a look in the MIDI mania board.

good luck.