NOOB singer here, please listen! need objective opinions!


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Kdcover ayria disease by besthellbunny on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free

I am brand spanking new to attempting to sing. A friend of mine who is a professional musician is insistent on getting me to sing for him for am EBM/Industrial type of genre...I am wary because while I do enjoy to sing in the shower, I don't know how I feel about opening up to others audibly as I am not a big fan of the style of voice I have been given.


I did a one shot recording over Ayria's track "Disease" with a cheap $10 mic and 0 experience at recording, etc....this is a very raw sing-over style demo, and just a short clip of the track to keep the suffering short and sweet haha.

I am more or less trying to get a feel of what others hear when they listen to the sound of my voice to see if this is something I should keep practicing at, or quit while I'm ahead >_<....I know friends and family can be encouraging even when something is lackluster, so, here I am, looking for objective feedback! thanks! ^_^
I gave this a listen..your pitch" was great I thought. and mt thought is the more you are out in front of people you will everything else you`ll get better the more you do it...but thats just me blab`n.
You've got a good natural timbre to your voice and you already control it quite skillfully :D

For a polished performance you'd need more practice and experience but that would come..
If your passing your voice through your nose, stop doing that. Pass voice out your mouth.

Breathe through mouth only. Find a good placement. Keep singing relaxed with more volume.

Find a singer who's voice you like. Watch videos of them singing live. Take note of heir breathing, jaw placement, the way they attack notes.

Keep recording - get better equipment to hear your voice, do not use reverb or are still learning your voice. I'm using a $40 mic form amazon - behringer c1...sounds good for price. You can start with that. You'll need a mic preamp to power it - it has phantom power. I use a tascam portastudio multitrack recorder dp-008 with my mic.

thanks for all your detailed feedback, I really appreciate it! Learning how to breathe properly is more difficult than I thought it would be and is so critical- as I am beginning to learn. I think you are right about the nasally stuff I've goin' on in there, I will be more conscientious of that going forward.
You have a very nice voice. Having said that, I always listen to the clips on this forum through headphones so that I can hear everything clearly with as little exterior interference as possible. I'm not sure if it is because you are as chadherrella said, "passing your voice through your nose" or just a lack of experience singing, but I could only understand about half of the lyrics that you sang. You need to work on your diction. It takes practice to sing clearly without sounding like you are trying to sing clearly. Don't hide that nice voice of yours behind a mumbled, indistinct vocal presentation. FYI I hear that a lot from beginners and even some seasoned signers. Keep practicing and you will be golden.
I think you are right about the nasally stuff I've goin' on in there, I will be more conscientious of that going forward.

It's true actually that you are too nasally there I hadn't picked up on that, you should mainly sing from lower down yes. however, being able to vary how your voice sounds makes it interesting, and that includes using the upper regions (of your head) at times. So just saying "stop doing that" isn't good advice to give. The main thing is to be in control of where you resonate, and this will come if you keep at it and learn. Ultimately though you want to be able to enjoy singing quite freely without having to think about technique too much!