Noob question about keyboards


New member
Hi guys, I am a bass player predominantly, but have been wanting to put some effort into learning keys.

I want keys for a few reasons.
1. Just to help my continued growth in music theory, without always wearing my hands out on my bass.
2. To be able to better arrange song ideas without having to play all parts on various basses (good for my chops, but not always good for the songs)
3. For recording some original stuff in my DAW.

I am really looking for recommendations on what to look for in a keyboard, or specific brand/model recs.

Because I am not a piano player, having perfectly weighted piano like action is probably not essential, but I don't want a mushy feel either. Also, I am not sure I'll really need more than about 5 octaves.

Something that sounds half decent would be nice, for both practice and recording. A piano sound is important, and some useable synth sounds would be nice, but maybe these are better gotten with software?

I'd like to be able to do some basic midi control with the keyboard, but if it's better to get an intermediate controller to sit in between the keyboard and the DAW that works, too. Probably I'd use it as much to program midi rhythms/drums as any melodic kind of midi stuff if that matters.

I know this is a vague question. I appreciate any help and guidance.

If it matters, I'm not looking to spend a ton of money. Is there anything for under $500 worth having?
I rarely recommend this just because I like extreme tweakability, but you might want to take a look at the Juno-D. Sounds like the perfect instrument for you.
thanks for the reply. Is there something comparable without a lot of the "learn how to play piano" and "background rhythm" tools?? Just seems like maybe I'd be paying for functionality I don't want or need.

For the record, any recording, MIDI, etc. stuff I would likely be doing with Cakewalk Sonar software.
thewanderer24 said:
thanks for the reply. Is there something comparable without a lot of the "learn how to play piano" and "background rhythm" tools?? Just seems like maybe I'd be paying for functionality I don't want or need.


I dont think it quite works like that. IMO ultimately you dont pay extra for the gizmos, it just works out that way. For comparable keys there are

Juno-D $535
Alesis QS6 $499
Yamaha S03 $400
Yamaha MM6 $599

Those are actual prices at my local stores, the S03 was $400 new at both (but sold out). All would work for you.

1. Just to help my continued growth in music theory, without always wearing my hands out on my bass.

Thats good to hear. I am always trying to tell non-keyboard players to get ahold of some keys for theory, its a great way to learn. :cool: