Noob needs help...


New member
OK, first the basics:

I'm working on my new album, a Christian rock/worship project. One of the really rough demos, "Hold Me", is available on my MySpace. I can't post the link yet, but I'll try to share it with you guys later.

I'm recording with a Yamaha MX12 USB mixer into Cubase LE on a 1.2 GHz XP box. I know I SHOULD haul my 3.0 GHz XP box down into the studio space, but for one to two tracks at a time, the 1.2 GHz seems to hold its own.

My first question for someone who might know is this: Is there a way to record more than two tracks at once with this setup? Cubase LE is only showing "USB Audio Codec 1" and "USB Audio Codec 2" as inputs, and so it's allowing a maximum of two recording channels. I bought the MX12, a 12-channel mixer with 8 XLR inputs thinking I'd be able to track my drums on individual channels into Cubase, but so far I can't figure out how to do it.

My second question is this: The Yamaha has decent pre-amps built-in. But if I'd like to go around them and route my vocals through my ART Tube MP pre, how would I do this? Running out of the ART pre into the XLR on the channel would just be an extra step, and wouldn't bypass the Yamaha preamp. Would I use the insert? (I'm primarily a live sound op; I don't yet know much about recording.)

On a related note, my current mic locker consists of the following:
AudioTechnica Midnight Blues MB1000
About 8 Shure 588SD Unisphere B's (predecessor to the SM58)
Behringer B-2
RadioShack 33-3032 (I's the Kick/Tom Instrument Mic)
Shure SM57
Shure SM85
Shure BG 1.1
Shure BG 2.1
Shure SM10A (headset mic) -- on this one, the adjustment screw is stripped out, so I took the boom arm out of the headpiece and taped it on the back of the amp my wife uses for guitar...pretty decent sound, low profile, unobtrusive. Not the best for RECORDING, but fine for getting her in the mix for our prison ministry.

Oh, and a SoundTech cheapo marketed as a SM58 clone. Decent sound response, but the handling noise is something fierce.

The SM85 seems to have a lot of noise in its signal. I bought it used, so I have no clue if this is characteristic, or if I need to do something different with it.

How difficult is it to change out a mic capsule? I have a Shure SM58 capsule. Unfortunately it's mated to a cheap Samson Stage II wireless. Nothing against Samson, and this one works well for stage use, but for recording? I'd like to take the capsule and swap it with something else, say one of the Unispheres, and be able to have the SM58 as a wired mic.

Any vocal techniques/tricks? Any links you guys could pass along would be appreciated.

Finally, from the above mic list, I could use suggestions on miking my drums. I'm seriously considering the Glyn Johns method, running only 4 mics, but I have no clue what to use for the overheads. And if I can figure out how to get separate tracks, I'd individually mic everything, but again, I know not which mics to use for what. (Of course, if I win the Audix Fusion mic pack I've got a bid on, it might change things. :) Other than that, my budget doesn't call for any new mics right now. I wouldn't mind getting another B-2 to match the one, though.

Thanks for any help you guys can provide. I know some of this might be in the FAQs, but I can't find it...sorry about the length, but I figured it would be better than 5 or 6 different threads.
