Noob looking into Computer recording....


New member
firstly... Hi peeps.... how's tricks??

I'm looking to record our band.... possibly via a laptop or be a bit of a loon an get one of dem tiny tiny mini-itx based things built specifically for the purpose...

We are a 4 piece band, main singer (Insanly loud Robert plant-esq.... Led Zeppelin if you don't know!! ;):D) 2 backing vocals (mainly shouting/not fantastic singing) 2 guitars (lead/rythmn) and bass... and drums of course...

We usually practice in a fairly large room, we're in one corner on a small 1' ish stage, room can apparently get 80 people in.... apparently... not to sure on this myself but they do have gig's on for the local teenagers (13-15 ish) and we have been informed that many attended....

Just like to know what sort of equipment i would likely need at best.... and kind of basic set up.... this is mainly gonna be for practices... the last gig we did we hired a 3k PA and recorded it through that onto a minidisc.... but like fools we forgot to bring anything to play it back on!!!

for pc standards - what sort of processor would i need? what sort of soundcard with what interfaces? ram?

Idealy I'd like to have something that i can set up at home too so when i'm messing about I can record it and tweak it a bit myself (to make it sound like i can actually play!!! muahahahah) but something more portable than the std desktop tower.... ( = teeny tiny motherboards... check the pico-itx!!!) or a portable mini atx case (i.e. with a handle!)

If this is classed as advertising i will remove the links!

The system is possibly going to be linux based, if not win2k or xp at a push (borg!) any idea's on direct recording software? the main appeal is that we could do a song, record it, see what it's like and burn it straight to a CD.... a possibility for any larger gigs we do...

after the computer requirements.... was planning to run everything into a mixer and hook the mixer to the pc... the singer has some kind of fancy mixer thing with di inputs... will find out and let you know the exact specs after wednesday... thinking he is looking to get a new one anyway... where would a PA go in a recording set up? with the practice PA the mics go straight in... but i know for gig's the mic's go to the mixer then PA (bear in mind in setting up I always get the hideous task of taping all the cables down... gotta love those personal injury scammers!) I'm not hugely sure of the correct method of setting all these things up....

Bass i know is ok... can record di... using A Bass Collection SH300 (Love it to bits!!:D:D) through a Behringer 1800a Wedge type 180w amp... waiting for my cheapy bass to turn up to see what that's like... £70 new... apparently £175rrp.... anyhow...

Singer plays rhythmn guitar... through 2x12 Crate amp...100w (i think) using A Line 6 variax 600 and Fender strat 50th re-issue (gold hardware and ltd to 2500 worldwide.... still looks like a strat to me... shhh!!) through a line 6 Pod X3 Live (dirty great big thing....)

Lead guitar - Ibanez guitar... I'll be honest.... great metal guitar but no idea of the type... plays through a boss mutli effects unit (Blue with 3 small pedals and a wah style pedal)... has a pirecing 60w laney amp ( insane for Just by radiohead... i generally try to leave the stage or hide at that point... sounds great but just mental the volumes we get to!!) but has started using a 2x12 marshall that belongs to our drummer.... who is possibly the best guitarist in the band... hmm... I belive it's a hand rebuilt valve amp cause it sounds fantastic too....

drums... 2x Toms, snare, bass drum, Crash, Hi Hat and a teeny weeny cymbal that i have no idea what it would be called... approx 6" across...

For recording practice not looking for saleable quality recordings.... Just enough to get an idea of how we sound... though would be looking for a more professional set up for gigs....

sorry for jabbering on.... most of that is probably irrelavent but i really want to learn about this sort of stuff... if you yanks need any translations let me know :D:D:D sorry in advance if that offends anyone!!

Flu and 2 am tend to lead to madness!! sorry!!
My obligatory standard reply that I keep in Wordpad:

First off, immediately get a good beginner recording book (spend $20 before spending hundred$/thousand$) that shows you what you need to get started and how to hook everything up in your studio:
Home Recording for Musicians by Jeff Strong - $15
(Wish I'd had that when I started; would have saved me lots of money and time and grief)

Good Newbie guides that also explains all the basics:

21 Ways To Assemble a Recording Rig:

Also Good Info:

Other recording books:

Plenty of software around to record for FREE to start out on:

Audacity: (multi-track with VST support)

Wavosaur: (a stereo audio file editor with VST support)


Other freebies and shareware:

Another great option is REAPER at
(It's $40 but runs for free until you get guilty enough to pay for it...)

Music Notation and MIDI recording: Melody Assistant ($20) and Harmony Assistant ($80) have the power of $600 notation packages -
Demo you can try on the website.

And you can go out to any Barnes&Noble or Borders and pick up "Computer Music" magazine - they have a full studio suite in every issue's DVD, including sequencers, plugins and tons of audio samples. (November 2006 they gave away a full copy of SamplitudeV8SE worth $150, November 2007-on the racks Dec in the US- they're giving away SamplitudeV9SE. It pays to watch 'em for giveaways...)

I'll have a good read of them....

anyone have a preferance of laptop over computer?

as for software is anyone using linux based stuff to record? if so how'd it turn out?