
Ha! That was pretty cool.

The drums and bass were locked in pretty good there. When the guitars first kicked in, I thought to myself that the effects were piled on a bit high and the two hard-panned guitars didn't seem to be synched up quite right, but as the tune went on, that either improved or I just got used to it and I liked the guitar sounds.

The vocals seem heavily processed but in a way that I liked. Your voice reminds me of the dude from widespread panic...scratchy with character. Again, my first instinct is that you've overdone it with guitar and vocal effects, but with everything going together at once - it kinda works.

Had to check this out if for no other reason than the thread title looked to be a drunken typo.
worst and best title Ive seen in here :D

Im on the PC again so cant really comment too much on the mix, couldnt hear any real nits though...I just wanted to say cool song and great title thats all :)