Non-permenant foam


New member
Do you guys have any suggestions of putting up foam so it is non-permanent, so I can take it down without ruining it? Any suggestions would be great, Thanks

Hey thanks Blue, my bad though.... I have foam panels on the way already (should have specified), so I was looking for a way to put it on the wall so I can take it down or making larger panels or something. It would be going up on plaster walls.

Thanks again.
What I've done in my apartment is take 1/4" masonite, cut it in managable sizes (usually 2'x4'), paint it match the walls and then I mounted the form to that.

With a couple of hooks in the wall, I can put it up and take down for sessions. It looks nice too.

Hope this helps.

If you want the foam removable, glue velcro on the back, and staple the other half of the velcro to the wall.

This way, when its time to pack up and move, you can pull out the staples, fill with toothpaste, and move out like a good Tenant.

If you own the place, by all means, glue the velcro to the wall, it will last longer and not pull off.
The guy from Auralex who helped me set up my space recommended using T-Pins (found at fabric/hobby/walmart/target stores) and just pushing them into the valleys of the foam. 4 pins should be enough to hold a 2' x 2' piece of foam. Sure you'll put tiny holes in the foam (and wall) but I just moved my studio and the foam came off fine, and then went up fine in the new space. Only thing to watch out for is studs in the wall, and your thumbs will hurt after putting up 96 sq. ft of the stuff :)