Noisy Tracks


New member
I recorded a couple of tracks at our church with the lighting system, and it created some high end hiss that I didn't notice at the time of recording.

I don't have a way to bring those people back to re-record.

What are the possible ways to deal with noise on a track?

Thanks all.


BibleMan said:
I recorded a couple of tracks at our church with the lighting system, and it created some high end hiss that I didn't notice at the time of recording.

I don't have a way to bring those people back to re-record.

What are the possible ways to deal with noise on a track?

Thanks all.


Bummer. If you can isolate the frequency, you could try a notch filter.
how do you go about that? Isolating the frequency?

I also have a recording with a very steady and very annoying hiss I'd like to filter out.
A frequency analyser will help point out frequencies to you. You can also use a sweepable EQ to find the annoying freq band.

However, many hisses, buzzes, etc. are made up of a fundamental frequency and then lots of the related harmonics.... this makes notch filtering not-so-useful, depending on their relative levels. I had a hum that at first seemed to be just a 60hz ground noise, but it turned out to be at 120hz, 180hz, 240hz, and so on up the line. I could only kill some of it (the loudest freqs, fortunately) but the track is still noisy.

Some folks really dig Cool Edit's sampling noise reduction for just this sort of thing. I haven't used it myself.
esactun said:
A frequency analyser will help point out frequencies to you. You can also use a sweepable EQ to find the annoying freq band...

Some folks really dig Cool Edit's sampling noise reduction for just this sort of thing...

Damn right. Cool Edit Pro does it better. Glad to know you can recognize the noise (hiss). Using Cool Edit, you can kill noise by it's type (hum, ground loop, hiss, buzz, etc...) I found it's very complette noise reducting tools.