No Clue, But would like to get into Scratching


New member
Hi, I would love to get into scratching and DJing but i'm just a guitar player. I have no clue where to start or for that matter really how it works. Where do you get the records? What would be a decent mixer and tables to start with and How does it work(What's the Concept?) I know that this is probally a very broad topic, but like I said I have no clue.. Any help would be great.....

First you obviously need the equipment. 2 Turntables, a Mixer, needles and for now you can use your home stereo for sound.
Now for the records you can buy them on the internet or just go to a local record store if ya got one.
Heres some links where you can buy vinyl

These should get ya started.

Next I advise you to learn how to work your tables and mixer before to start scratching and ruining your vinyl. Like Breakinwax said earliar I learned by just trying everyday, watching battle videos, and going to local shows and clubs. Just open your eyes and pay attention. :)

If ya need anything else, hit me back. Good Luck