No Ballad This Time--Call me Lazarus

Hey Crawdad.Im d-loading it now.....I'll post again tomorrow.Gotta get some sleep!

P.S.I tried to PM you but your box was FULL!:eek:

I couldnt resist,I just had to listen!You just rocked the hell out of me at 2:25 am eastern standard time man!I really dig the guitar work throughout ,but above all the song is just killer!

I really dig the lyrics.Man those harmony vocals are sweet......that slide guitar is excellent.Bass tone is perfect to my ears.It has a beautiful round tone.

Excellent work Al!
Hey Al.....yesterday Debi and I just laid around in the pool all day and ya' know what we were listening to? Your CD! We really love that bunch of songs. :)

Man, this is a different tack for you.....sounds kinda like Jimmy Buffet a little bit.
The sound is really good I think, the rhythm guitars have just the right amount of crunch.....not too bright but not boomy.....vocal sounds good as usual....The V67?.......nice slide work, slide sounds a little thin......drums are good...good snare, cymbals are a little too present....could turn the slide up a little....bass is strong with good definition..........I like the acoustic fingerpicking ( Keyboard? ) in the background at the beginning and at around 2:30......

A good piece of work and one of your better efforts. A really nice complete bit of songwriting.......
To my ears, Dont touch a thing! All is well

How do you keep pumping out these awesome songs?



Good to hear ya rockin' dad!:)

Thought I heard a bit of distortion on your vocal in a few spots, but the overall sound is pretty good.

Cymbals are a bit too loud, and the kick needs some body.

Oh yeah, and turn that slide up! Up I say!


Goin' to bed on an up note now.:cool:
Wow, this is very 80s-sounding. The guitar kinda reminds me of Bruce Hornsby's 80s band (who I totally dig, so that's a compliment).

Yep, I'd also lower the cymbols a little, but otherwise this is pretty flawless-sounding to me.

Very nice job as usual. And I'll even forgive you for getting upbeat.:)

Dude, you don't need any help from me! I just wanted to say I'm amazed at the number of great tunes we get from you. They are all keepers.

upbeat baby! Good feelin in this tune. I like the instruments you used and the tones. 'on this damned 56k dialup at lo-fi, but it still sounds good to me. Those guys in the rythym section did pretty good man. ;) That drummer sounds like he has a wood batter on his kick and its a little hard but good. A couple of girls could fill this out nice, shakin their butts and comp'n you on the hooks..
Sounds like Springsteen. I like the hi hat sound. Overall, a good quality mix. The highs are especially clear. I can't tell about the bottom end because I'm on a laptop.
Another excellent submission by Crawdad! I wouldn't touch a thing on this one except maybe a few more harmony's but I am a harmony freak. Like what Toki said I think some female vocals and butts would top this one off. Great Job!
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Toki987 said:
A couple of girls could fill this out nice, shakin their butts and comp'n you on the hooks..

Naaaah....just get the TBC plugin :D (I'm sure no one knows what the hell I'm talking about) :D

I really wish I could dowload mp3's at work :(

I'll try to hit it tonight & maybe explain what the TBC plug is :D
Waah!!! I wanna listen, but I have no modem. Waaah!!!!

Can't wait to hear it, Al. You rock.

Nice to meet you this past weekend, btw. Wifey and I will try to make it down next weekend...

Daf (can't send the midi file til I get the new modem, either)
Havne't dissected it yet; just jumping in to agree with the crash comments. Not ALL of them are too loud, but some are, b/c I'm deaf in my right ear, and they seem a bit hot to me still.

More later :D
chrisharris said:
Havne't dissected it yet; just jumping in to agree with the crash comments. Not ALL of them are too loud, but some are, b/c I'm deaf in my right ear, and they seem a bit hot to me still.

More later :D

:D .....only the ones on the left sound loud? ...:D :D

.....back in a minute
Guernica said:
:D .....only the ones on the left sound loud? ...:D :D

.....back in a minute; What I meant was, the crashes on the right (some of them, anyway) seem too loud, and if they're too loud to ME, then they're probably too loud, lol.

Or not... I'm not really known for my sonic brilliance, lol.
:D ...Im just playin witcha Chris.

Hey Al,
Nice man!! Very nice tune and writing. This ones a nice new direction for you.... still very true to the crawdad way, but a different addition to your fine material.
I agree w/ the cymbal comments above ....a little hot. The kick sounds just a little big to me too.... but thats preference. I dig the guits in this......GREAT. ...and sweet slide'n.

Great song brother!
g w/5 (...and yes watyf, the stars do mean something to some of us :) )
First of all, I did a remix and posted the newest version. I incorporated many suggestions. God those cymbals WERE awful! Thats what you get when you track and mix on the same day, right?

Kramer--You get prize for first listen! Thanks so much.

Lt. Bob--good ear on those cymbals. The acoustic is real--no keyboard. So you're out by the POOL!? It will be another month before its warm enough to swim up here!

wfaroni--I touched up some stuff anyway. I mean if Chrisharris can hear problems, there ARE problems (just kidding Chris:D) Anyway I think its better now.

M. Brane--I altered the kik a bit and I DID turn the slide up a pinch. Thanks for the suggestions!

groucho--I'm trying to pick up the tempo for a while! Otherwise, people will start saying "oh, no--not another dirge by crawdad!

twist--Hey, I'm just glad somebody enjoys them! I sure love to write--at least right now. Thanks a million!

TOKI987--Girls shaking their butts? Say, can you spare a few? :D They don't even have to sing!

ashulman--Yeah, I dig the boss. I like that whole midwestern rock thing in general.

Scottboyher--have YOU got any you can spare? :D Thanks--check out the remix--no girls, but I think its better.

Jagular--TBC plug-in? Do NOT TELL CHRISHARRIS about it, or he will use it on everything, I promise you! (Chris--:D)

ChrisHarris--you were right on, as usual! Its much easier on the ear(s) now.

Guernica--I used to write stufff like this on occasion. My version of rock is more like folk songs with drums, lol! Anyway, I appreciate the listen.

And--I appreciate everybody for listening, suggesting things and just for being here!
Well done as usual. You got the song writing thing down for sure-I really like the vocal sound-sounds compressed but good-you get nice crispy high end on your mixes but its still easy on the ear. Cool slide work I wouldn't mind it louder still but just a matter of taste. Like the occasional echo on the vocals-nice production touch...The drums seemed just kind of there to me but better than having them drag the recording down (like my stuff). The high hat is on the left? you got a left handed computer drummer? OK one thing that bothers me is when the electrics take over the song in the chorus-I can here the acoustic kinda fartin around-it doesnt seem to serve any purpose-especially in that first chorus I noticed it. Later on you go back to acoustics during the verse-and I like that but its kind of confusing dynamically when they seem to be competeing during the electric chugging sections. Cool song I could imagine this as radio material, like most of your stuff.
what is it im sensing different here. Did you move away from blues somewhat and foray into country/rock somewhat?

The production sounds great man you and Sluice will not leave many gaps in terms of covering all your bases.

Your chorus gives me commercial vibes. It reminds me of a summer in 1987 when my family drove across the country, this is what we heard in the midwest and south. This in my opinion is a good thing.