Nice rack cabinet - free!

Ethan Winer

Acoustics Expert

I have a very nice, tall, black Formica rack cabinet I no longer need. It is too much of a hassle to ship it, so I'll give it away free to the first person that sends me an email at:

But you have to come to my house (near Danbury, Connecticut) and pick it up! :)

The rack is about five feet tall, has large wheels, and is in perfect condition. I'll even throw in a sliding rack-mount drawer and a bunch of 10-32 rack screws.

The bottom section of the rack cabinet is 28 inches (16U) high straight up, and the top section is 21 inches (12U) and angled back slightly.

It's a very nice rack - somebody please give it a home!

> I'll give it away free to the first person that sends me an email <

Man that was fast! Hold the further emails, someone just claimed it.
Rather than it being the first one who emails you it should be the first one at your house claims it...