nforce for homerecording anyone??


New member
Nvidia's nforce 420 chipset has been out for a few month now, and from the reviews and user comments I've read so far, this is what I gathered:

- Very stable chipset : some former 'via' users were amazed at how stable this chipset is. I've only read 1 comment from a person using it in a recording environment though, but he was very pleased as well...

- On the downside : the mobos using this chipset so far (I'm thinking Asus and MSI) aren't very 'overclocking-friendly', but that should not be a concern for homerecorders looking for stability.
Also these mobos are pretty expensive since they integrate a sound and video card (which can both be disabled of course)...

Now I'll be building a new DAW in a few month and I'm putting great hopes in this chipset, as I'd rather avoid Via if I can.

Anybody here has an nvidia chipset??
Any comments, thoughts??