Next couple of days...


aka WookieMan
Well, the next couple of days are going to be my biggest recording days since ever!! I'm actually taking time off work with the sole purpose: record :D .

The reason I'm doing this is that I want to enter the MusicOZ contest with a couple of songs. One song which is almost complete and the other which I've done absolutly no work (recording wise) on.

The first song I've been working on for the last week of a night. I just need to re-record a few elements and mix.

The first think I'm going to work on is the drum track of the second song. This is where a majority of my time is going to be spent because it is going to be MIDI/Brush Drum (country style song). After that I'm going to record bass/guitars and vocals... hopefully mixing either late on Friday or on Saturday.

I appologise this being OT, however this is where I usually hang out..

I'll keep you informed of how I'm going..

And the best of luck to you. If you want any help with configuring your Edirol s/card, you'll know not to call me won't you?:D :rolleyes:
First Prize: A week in a recording studio with Molly Meldrum.

Second Prize: Two weeks in a recording studio with Molly Meldrum* :)

Good luck Porter. Post your songs in the MP3 clinic or gives us a link to them.

*You non-Australians won't understand that little joke.
But trust me, Porter's laughing himself silly right now!!!
I forgot, I'm recording today too!

I have a local Club DJ coming over at lunch time to record vocals on a club hiphop number that he's written. I'll be laying the vocals in HS2002 over his Pro Tools exported wav file.

I have had to sign a confidentiality contract for the music cuz he's sold an option on the song to Sony :eek: Last time he got stung, so he's being very cautious this time around.
Paul881 said:
I have a local Club DJ coming over at lunch time to record vocals on a club hiphop number that he's written.
Is a DJ a musician????

BluesMeister said:
First Prize: A week in a recording studio with Molly Meldrum.

Second Prize: Molly Meldrum....

Good luck Porter. Post your songs in the MP3 clinic or gives us a link to them.

We must remember that Molly did produce "The Real Thing" with another member of this board as his Engineer.. John Sayers.

If he could produce a hit for me I would be happy!

But I do know the twist you are talking about.

I do plan on posting in the MP3 clinic. I got a nowhereradio account today so I can post my songs quickly and make changes and re-post ;)

Porter said:
We must remember that Molly did produce "The Real Thing" with another member of this board as his Engineer.. John Sayers.
"The Real Thing"... are we talking about a song or the jazz band?
It is a song.. Russell Morris sung back in 1969. It was the Number 1 song of the Year in Australia. Personally I've only heard Part 1 of the song which goes from about 3:45.. all up I think it went for about 7 minutes or more.

Molly was known for his drug taking back then. When people ask him what he was on when he mixed it he said that he was on absolutly nothing. It's probably one of the most psycadelic mixes ever done (for the time).

There is a choir singing in Part 2 (or it might be the end of Part 1), which one of my work collegues's father sourced for the mix!!!!

Porter said:
It's probably one of the most psycadelic mixes ever done (for the time).
You've never listened to Pink Floyd, have you son? :D

Sounds really interesting! :)
Late 60's early seventies Aussie Rock. There was some very interesting stuff around in those days although I wasn't old enough to remember it.

Looking forward to hearing the final results Porter.

Are the days off to record in the good old Aussie sickie tradition category or legit leave ?

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groover_jon said:
Late 60's early seventies Aussie Rock. There was some very interesting stuff around in those days although I wasn't old enough to remember it.

Looking forward to hearing the final results Porter.



I wasn't even born then!!!!! I went to see the 'Long Way To The Top' tour... man that was great. Did you get to see that Jon?

I don't think it's coming to little old Adelaide at this stage but if it did I would go and check it out for sure.

moskus said:
You've never listened to Pink Floyd, have you son? :D

Sounds really interesting! :)

Yes I have... for the time in Australia this was WAY out there.. for a No. 1 Hit.

Here are the lyrics. You need to click 'Selected Lyrics' to go jump down the document to where the lyrics start.

If you can, try and find a snippet of it... did I say that?

groover_jon said:
I don't think it's coming to little old Adelaide at this stage but if it did I would go and check it out for sure.


The ticket price was high, however for the calibre of the performances it was worth it... $125 AUD a ticket for mediocre seats!!!


BTW, I'm off to bed now... early start tomorrow.. prep tomorrow morning then start to record in the afternoon.
It's sad that a lot of major touring acts give Adelaide a big miss these days but thats life i guess and $125.00 for second rate seats seems over the top.

groover_jon said:
It's sad that a lot of major touring acts give Adelaide a big miss these days
I can sympathise with you there Groover_Jon.

Here in Perth we get the occasional decent overseas act coming through, but generally they give us SandGropers a wide berth.

Mostly though the big acts get to Melbourne & Sydney and the rest of you can GGF it would seem. :(

The Long Way To The Top tour did make it to Perth, but the venue (Burswood SuperDome where they host the Hopman Cup) is woeful. I did watch it on TV however. The quality of the acts was variable.

Sadly with the demise of the Perth Entertainment Centre, the SuperDome is now the "premier" music venue until the new Convention Centre is completed sometime in the next who knows how many years.

And Porter, though I was around at the time The Real Thing was released, I wasn't living in Australia at the time. In 1969 I would have been 20 years old.

Anyone with a feline Avatar is cool with me!
Im anxious to hear some of your stuff. I dont think Ive heard any before. Somehow I know it will be exceptional :)
