Newmann TLM-103???


New member
I would like your opinion regarding the best mic possible under $1,000 for recording Soul, R&B, and Hip-Hop vocals ONLY in a home recording studio using Pro Tools LE and a Digi 003 Factory...

I was going to buy an AT4050 and someone told me to get a TLM-103 instead...

Is there a better option besides these two, under $1,000??? :confused:

And which Pre-Amp should I match it with, if necessary???

Thanks, guys!!! ;)...

"hello, jerry...."


"hello, nnnewmann...."


A thread over at has mentioned that some consider the 103 an overrated mic. Since this forum is mostly geared toward people not buying ~1000 mics, I'd suggest also researching over there. Note the word "research" - I suspect they have gotten this question a lot, just as there have been countless threads here regarding the "best mic under XXX dollars".

I very much like my Rode K2 w/ replaced 6922 valve, and that would run you about 750-800, depending on how much you spend on the tube; the mic itself is 700, and I think I paid 70 for the NOS Telefunken tube I put in. Very nice sounding mic, smooth with a nice bottom end, but not too heavy.
I would like your opinion regarding the best mic possible under $1,000 for recording Soul, R&B, and Hip-Hop vocals ONLY in a home recording studio using Pro Tools LE and a Digi 003 Factory...

I was going to buy an AT4050 and someone told me to get a TLM-103 instead...

Is there a better option besides these two, under $1,000??? :confused:

And which Pre-Amp should I match it with, if necessary???

Thanks, guys!!! ;)...


Both great mics with the slight nod for the 4050 using a cheaper pre-amp and the TLM103 with a high buck pre-amp.

The TLM really sounds best with a great pre-amp and gets bad rep from people who use it on low cost pre-amps. The TLM opens up and changes completely with good pre-amps where the 4050 does a good job with pretty much anything.
In my opinion, the TLM 103 and the newer U87ai's both sound much better with the Avalon 737. Neither mic nor the Avalon really impress me a whole lot, but when paired together they really seem to help each othe out and make a great sounding combination:)
I've used a TLM 103 with one of the early Dan Alexander Neve 1073s, when he was racking real vintage 1073 modules. It was one of the best sounding mic/pre combos I've sung through, real ear candy. But I agree, the 4050 is practically an ATAP mic (all things to all people). Also, it's multi-pattern, the 103 isn't, so that needs to enter the equation.
The 103 is a love hate mic.......

if you took 10 people in here and put them on a u87 8 out of 10 would say its a great mic

if you took 10 people in here and put them on a 103 3 out of 10 would say its a great mic

Think of every mic like a tool in the tool belt. Everyone has a differnt sound for a different purpose. The 103 is a great mic for speach to some. Alot of high end studios use it as their "go to" mic on V.O. work because of its abilty to not flatter the the person on the mic(just a clean version of the facts that sits in the mix well). that means no added omph or coloration or warmth that some people were looking for. It will not flatter someone without a good voice and it will amplify a bad one.

if you look on their "worst gear i ever got thread" on the other high end forum the first 8 pages has 3 dozen people who list the 103 as worst purchase of the year. But dont take it to heart their are also a dozen people on the same thread who rate the avalon as wayyyy overrated.

You may try one and say that blew me away how crisp it revealed my voice. It wouldnt mean its a bad mic if you didnt like it ...... it just means it was not your choice for that aplication (because it is a great mic).

people on here say never buy a mic before you try it. This mic is on the higher end of the truth of that statement . after they came out you saw a flood of them on ebay for people who used them once and sold them.

just my 2 cents
I would like your opinion regarding the best mic possible under $1,000 for recording Soul, R&B, and Hip-Hop vocals ONLY in a home recording studio using Pro Tools LE and a Digi 003 Factory...

I was going to buy an AT4050 and someone told me to get a TLM-103 instead...

Is there a better option besides these two, under $1,000??? :confused:

And which Pre-Amp should I match it with, if necessary???

Thanks, guys!!! ;)...


The 103 is a very good mic for some things and some situations (like many mics). It's clear with a characteristic Nuemann forward mids. The HF is a bit strident. Tight bass, and the proximity effect is not too strong.

Other mics to consider would include (in no particular order):

ADK Vienna Au MK II or Hamburg AU MK II
CAD VX2 (used - with both caspules - great mic)
Some of the Peluso vocal mics, perhaps used
SE Electronics mics (the newer models)
AT 4060
Maybe a nice ribbon, like an AEA R84?
i have owned pairs of both TLM103s and AT4050s, and IMHO there is no contest - the 4050 smokes the 103. i couldnt really find anything i liked the tlm103 on, whereas the 4050 works well on almost anything.

A thread over at has mentioned that some consider the 103 an overrated mic. Since this forum is mostly geared toward people not buying ~1000 mics, I'd suggest also researching over there. Note the word "research" - I suspect they have gotten this question a lot, just as there have been countless threads here regarding the "best mic under XXX dollars".

I very much like my Rode K2 w/ replaced 6922 valve, and that would run you about 750-800, depending on how much you spend on the tube; the mic itself is 700, and I think I paid 70 for the NOS Telefunken tube I put in. Very nice sounding mic, smooth with a nice bottom end, but not too heavy.

I like the tlm103 a lot. I also really like a mic I have Bluebird by the company Blue.
Well i know the singer of Jimmy Eat World uses the TLM-103...however their more of a pop-rock band...i have heard that Kanye West uses the 4050.
I'm sure there are many people who would think differently, but if I had $1,000 to spend for a mic mainly for vocal duty, I would use it to buy 2 mics instead. I would get a brighter sounding mic and a darker sounding mic. That way I would have most of my bases covered. Wait a second, that's exactly what I did! :) I have a Bluebird and an Octava MK319. The Bluebird is a brighter sounding mic and the octava is a darker sounding mic. I'm a voice teacher so I am always recording different types of voices. One of these 2 mics will generally get the job done for me. The Blue Baby Bottle is also supposed to have a darker sound. Just my 2 cents,

I second AT4060 and Rode K2. Yes U87ai works great through a 737- Lots of mics do. TLM103 is a perfectly good mic, but a tad overpriced-you're paying for the little red diamond and the Neumann name. The real problem is that vocal mics are like shoes. They either fit, or they don't. A vocal mic has to fit the material, the room, the voice, and the preamp. There is *no* vocal mic and pre combination so good that they won't make somebody sound real bad. If you're compromising, at best, a real good mic/pre combination might make 65% of sources sound good.

For the material you are doing, my compromise would probably go for a tube mic. Hence my choices-AT4060 and K2. Studio Projects T3 or Rode NTK wouldn't be bad choices, either. What the hell? If you like the Neumann and the Avalon, they're a pretty good combination. Just don't be surprised when you find that man or woman that sounds better on a $100 Oktava MK319 plugged into a Joemeek. There is no one-size-fits-all vocal mic. One thing you usually get with mid to high level mics is- You know they'll be good for recording *something*. There's no guarantee, however, that that will be the voice you want to record *today* Get over it. Over time, you build a box of tools for recording vocals. It doesn't really matter what perfectly good mic you start with , unless you are only recording one person. If you are, find the mic that works for that voice, the shoe that fits
that foot.

The original poster is really asking a question that has no answer....

" I'm buying a pair of shoes, and I only get one to fit everybody. They'll be used for basketball, mountain climbing, and disco dancing, and *nothing else*. I've heard that Gucci's are real good. Should I get them? And what socks should go with them, if any?"

That's why you get the answer- "Those shoes are only going to fit certain feet. I'd recommend a less expensive good pair of cross trainers, say-Reebok, about size 10. And get some good socks that don't clash with the shoes. I love those Gucci's. Thay go well with silk Armani socks. They're great for high-rolling at Monaco."

No, I'm not making fun of the original poster. I'm trying to help him or her out of a pit that we all get stuck in when we are learning about mics. Yes, there are better and worse mics. But- there is also the *right* mic and the *wrong* mic. Sometime the wrong mic is a perfectly good expensive mic, and sometimes the right mic is a less expensive mic that was in the right place at the right time.

It was suggested above that this forum is really about inexpensive mics. Bull. There are plenty of people on this board who have thousands invested in their mic cabinet, and quite a few pros, semi-pros, and former pros who can speak intelligently about the mics they've used, but do not currently own. Remember that some people are envious, and will bust your ass for asking about high-end gear. They will say- "you're just learning- what are you going to do with a Newmann or an Avalon?" (Why don't *I* have one????!!!)

The terrible truth is- you can learn just as well with high end equipment as you can with less expensive gear. I would not tell someone not to buy a Neumann or an Avalon or whatever. In the end, it may not be the Swiss Army mic they wanted, but that TLM103 may be the bomb for the guy's sister, and they both win a Grammy. Who knows? Just try not to waste the money. You're doing the right thing-asking questions. Will a TLM103 do what you want? No one can answer that question. What we can tell you is it is an "OK" mic with a big brand name on it which will definitely be perfectly good for recording *something*. Best of luck.-Richie
Personally, I can't get a bad sound out of the 103s. That said, I've only used them as a stereo pair in large rooms (both treated and untreated).

If you're in the market for a $1k mic, then you might want to rent some and find which ones work for you. It's impossible to recommend one over another.

PS: it's Neumann, by the way ;)
PS: it's Neumann, by the way
Not made at the Neumann factory, from what I understand (sennheiser). If it was the original Neumann company, they wouldn't put out stuff like most of the TLM series. I unlike many, like the U87Ai.

If the reason you recommend buying the Neumann is resale value, then that's the wrong reason to buy a mic. Besides the TLM 103 loses at least 25%-50% of it's value as soon as you take it home. Check for used ones on Ebay if you're serious about this mic. It's pretty good for the used price.
Why not the AKG 414?


I either own or have owned many of the microphones that are in this discussion.

In my opinion, the 103 is a very overrated microphone. I've owned this microphone and I sold it within a year because I had other microphones that did the job better.

You could go with the 4050 as many have suggested but I find that microphone to be somewhat dark and lifeless. I typically use that microphone on figure 8 to capture both the bottom of the snare and the beater on the kick. It is wonderful for that application and I also use it on shrill female vocals.

I think the AKG 414, which you can have for 1k, is the best all around microphone for the money. Put it on vocals, put it on guitars, use a pair for overheads, etc. It has high pass, pads, and several patterns. You just cant go wrong with that microphone.

Pair it up with a Univeral Audio 6176 or Portico 5032/LA2A combo and your work is done.

Look for microphones that you find in every studio-there really is a reason why they are there.

Good Luck