Newest Mix - Ballad Style bit

not a bad mix.

everything is tight, the guitars are a little roomy but not bad

kick and snare sound nice ;]

bass is a little heavy
Which song??????
I listened to Bad FUCK in Ass and it was not a ballad. Nice chunka chunka tho...
I listened to Slow Jam - that was slow. Nice change up from clean to dirty....Strings really fill in that background. Sweet echo...
First off, I'm super new at mixing so please take anything I say with a grain of salt.

Mix of slow jam:

I like the guitar sound in the intro. Very cool. The whole band comes in and I think the bass is a bit overwhelming. (I'm listening on cans, so that could taint it.) I agree, the strings/synth part does add some nice weight and fill out the mix/arrangment.

The drums are a bit too 'verby for me. Not super too much .... but just a bit.

OVerall, nice mix. I like the vibe, and to me, vibe is king. So good work. (ooohhh I like hearing the guitar/pickup buzz at the end....adds so much realism!!!)

So there you have it. My thoughts, do with them as you will.

Hey guys i really appreciate the input. hah Its about time someone got back to me. I haven't been in the forums for weeks (way too busy with work) Thanks for the feedback and the compliments. Twas a much needed confidence booster. I have writers block like you would not believe right now!!!!