Newer, simplistic, approach to mixing.

... but that's something nobody but me would notice ...

All OTHER comments are appreciated.

This is my new band ... recorded as performed live.
Nice -on several levels.
Like the 'LP grove delay like echo that gets to pop out only in tasteful places.
I'd be curious, where would you estimate most of the overall mix compression originates? ('mix, -two bus', a 'master pass, hopefully not from SoundCloud.
Nice -on several levels.
Like the 'LP grove delay like echo that gets to pop out only in tasteful places.
I'd be curious, where would you estimate most of the overall mix compression originates? ('mix, -two bus', a 'master pass, hopefully not from SoundCloud.

I employ compression on the drum master and the two buss. I may gate individual drum channels, but I tend to not do that. I will cut the tom tracks clean of all but the tom hits, though.

I lean towards a heavier touch on the drums and a lighter touch on the two buss. There's no compression on the guitar or the keys. On the vocals and bass, I use Waves' Bass and Vocal Rider on those two channels ... which I tend to find to be a much more "natural" (even if automated) level control. If the gain levels aren't enough, I'll add very light limiting to smooth things out.

---------- Update ----------

The cymbal swish is a Soundcloud standard sound, though. :D
You're welcome.

I forgot to mention ... because I wanted hard tom strikes on this, I subbed the toms out to a submix channel (panned same as the originals), where I absolutely slammed it with a L1 limiter. I then EQ'd the very bottom and top off and searched for the region that had the best "bang" going, then blended that back in under the rest of the kit in the drum master.
I feel like you missed the mark on sounding live. The various delay effects don't sound like any live environment I've ever encountered.
That being said, those sounds are pretty cool, and I probably prefer them to actually sounding like a live recording.

Cymbal swish is pretty bad. Mmmm mp3s!
I feel like you missed the mark on sounding live. The various delay effects don't sound like any live environment I've ever encountered.
That being said, those sounds are pretty cool, and I probably prefer them to actually sounding like a live recording.

Cymbal swish is pretty bad. Mmmm mp3s!

Not that I wanted to sound like a "live" recording, but that we specifically are avoiding adding parts that cannot be reproduced by us live. For instance, no additional guitar parts are added that cannot be replicated live. We have one guitarist, and so one guitar it is.

It's definitely not live sounding. :D
This is a really cool sound. The guitars and distorted bass really give this a nice groove. All the guitars sound first rate.

The vocal is a little tough to hear.

I didn't think the cymbal sound was all that bad. A bit of SC swirliness, but not horrible.

It's squashed to death.

The snare is kind of far back. Lightening up the limiting might help with that. THings are almost pumping.

The bass is a little on the sterile side.

Mostly just pointing out nits. I really liked it.

Edit... I didn't care for all the delay.
Another good tune Kev. Are you triggering samples? My only nits are the hihat chips are a little prominent (& I like chips) and maybe a toch too much verb on the vocal. Nice job
This is a really cool sound. The guitars and distorted bass really give this a nice groove. All the guitars sound first rate.

The vocal is a little tough to hear.

I didn't think the cymbal sound was all that bad. A bit of SC swirliness, but not horrible.

It's squashed to death.

The snare is kind of far back. Lightening up the limiting might help with that. THings are almost pumping.

The bass is a little on the sterile side.

Mostly just pointing out nits. I really liked it.

Edit... I didn't care for all the delay.

As usual, Trip ... you hit the nail square on the head. It WAS squashed. I just severely lightened up on both the drums and the two buss. I also eq'd the guitar a little differently and brought it up. Vocal came down just a hair. New mix is on the link.

Thanks bud!
Another good tune Kev. Are you triggering samples? My only nits are the hihat chips are a little prominent (& I like chips) and maybe a toch too much verb on the vocal. Nice job

Great catch Kier! Yes. Kick, Snare, and Toms needed to be BIG on this tune ... so I blended samples in and under to fatten up the sound. I brought the vocal effect down a little in the new mix also. I agreed with you.

Thanks for jumping in K!

---------- Update ----------

Nice. You rarely hear songs today that are produced and mixed like this. Thank you for showing us this song!

Most welcome BG. Less is more, I think.
I listened on cans, I thought is had a very good solid sound. I guess since this is a later mix, I didn't hear the issues commented on.

On my system/headphones everything sounded balanced. Really good mix.
I listened on cans, I thought is had a very good solid sound. I guess since this is a later mix, I didn't hear the issues commented on.

On my system/headphones everything sounded balanced. Really good mix.

Thanks Dave! I took the advice given and believe I've got it pretty well sorted in this mix.
I am going to go against the grain here according to what everyone else has said. I don't mean it to be disrespectful, but everything sounds good except the guitar. To me, the tone(not the playing) just doesn't sound that good. It just sounds like it has way too much mid and high ranges and/or a not very good distortion patch. I know I am in the minority so I am just leaving you with my thoughts on it and its only my opinion. The song IS awesome, great playing all around and well constructed, I just think the guitar tone is holding it back.