Newbie with some thoughts.....


New member
Been reading on this board for a week...very informative. I found a post from Manning1 (I think that's who it was) who suggested reading the following: Found it to be very informative on what exactly midi is, how it works, etc.

I am a keyboard player -Kurzweil PC2x and Yamaha S03 on top. Our band has done some recording with a Fostex VF80ex...although it's sort of a "round robin" due to 2 inputs, it does make some nice demo CD's. However, I am looking for something that is easier to put down musical ideas rather than the Fostex. Usually I will write down on paper, chord progressions, etc. from some of our jam sessions, then work them out a bit more using the Fostex, to later play at the following week's practice.

I am thinking I would like to do this in midi, rather than using the Fostex, since midi is data, which should be a lot easier to edit/change than using the Fostex for my ideas. And, I don't think I want to go in the audio recording direction since I would like to be able to easily change/add/edit without having to play something 20 times. Also, it would be nice to have some background, which I cannot easily do with the Fostex without turning a short idea session into a longer project.

One more thing...(sorry to be so long)...I have read that Band in the Box is realtively decent Yamaha came with a demo called XGWorks (lite) but I only found 2 threads that even mentioned it, so I don't think I will be going in that direction.

Ok, now back to reading....thanks. :)
It takes very little computer horsepower to record midi --- since, as you so accurately put it, it's 'just data' --- so I would recommend you get yourself a second-hand laptop and some cheap or free software and see how you like it.

Either a P2 or a P3 shouldn't set you back too much, and I'll bet within the month you'll be downright addicted to the power the visual feedback of a computer gives you over your arrangements and how easy it is to keep track of all of your ideas no matter how small.

I found my current laptop on eBay by going by number of positive feedbacks. The seller had about 9000 transactions with 7 negative feedbacks, so I deemed it a safe transaction --- and I haven't had a bit of trouble in a year and a half. If you're just not comfortable on the used market you can find good deals on the lower end of the new market, but be sure the machine you buy has at least a number of USB ports for expansion...

And welcome to the board.
Thanks for the welcome....

And, if you know what you are looking for and what it costs in the real world. Ebay has some great deals!! :)