Newbie Studio Computer


New member
Ok so I've been planning to build a home studio in my basement for quite some time. I have a set of turntables, an electric and bass guitar, M-Audio Midi Keyboard a nice dynamic mic (condenser comes when I can get the money). I just got myself a Tascam US-800 for an interface. I was planning on checking out the Cubase program that came with the Tascam, but I also have some others, however getting the software isn't a problem. My question is i'm going to be using a Dell Core 2 Duo (2.33ghz) with 3gb of RAM. Is this going to be good enough? I'm pretty good with computers (i can build them so I know what i'm talking about there) I just not sure what I'll need since i've never actually set everything up before or have any experience. I assume a sound card might be something I'd wana look into as well, and if so can someone point in the right direction to a decent one I could read up on....any other suggestions, information or experiences welcome cause I have had this passion for awhile, but finally financially I can persue it...thanks in advance
Windows 7, 64 bit? I've seen one person having a problem with the US-800 and W7 (over in the US-800 post in the Newbies section of the forum).
Windows 7, 64 bit?

Yeah, I was looking around the net finding some reviews of people having no problems to people saying there was some midi driver issue that they contacted Tascam about and were told Tascam was working to update drivers to fix the issue or something. Hopefully my setup goes smooth but I'm aware (with anything) i could run into some snags. As soon as I get all my stuff together and start setting everything up, i'm sure i'll be back here to get advice on the best way to connect things or suggestions on fixing those snags I run into, sort of a "cross that bridge when I get to it" mentality
Keep in mind, when reading reviews about hardware that was released years ago, remember to look at the date that posts were made. I hear of old problems all the time, that were before the drivers were updated. As it stands now, the US 800 actually works with W-7. There are still those who seem to have issues, but we all have issues in life. Usually not a driver that is causing it.

As per your question about looking into a soundcard, the US800 'IS' a soundcard. It will replace your internal one.

Not to judge, or make accusations, but the fact that you build computers, does not necessarily mean you have experience with recording software. Many of us here do, and are willing to help. I am a bit set off by the fact that you say "getting software is no problem". I sure hope you mean that you have funds available to purchase the software you need.

Your computer will be fine for basic recording, as long as it is optimized for audio recording. You will be best using a separate HDD from your OS and programs, for audio project folders.

Welcome to the forum quiktune! :D
As per your question about looking into a soundcard, the US800 'IS' a soundcard. It will replace your internal one.

Not to judge, or make accusations, but the fact that you build computers, does not necessarily mean you have experience with recording software. I am a bit set off by the fact that you say "getting software is no problem". I sure hope you mean that you have funds available to purchase the software you need.

Your computer will be fine for basic recording, as long as it is optimized for audio recording. You will be best using a separate HDD from your OS and programs, for audio project folders.
Welcome to the forum quiktune! :D

Thats good to know I dont have to worry about the sound cards, thanks!

What I meant about the computer building is just that, i know what parts to buy, what they do, and how to put them together to get a fully functioning computer, but you're correct that I dont have experience with how they will interact with recording and recording software. Basically I just meant the hardware side of things i guess.
And "by having no problem on the software side", don't worry I wasn't hinting toward piracy or anything like that. I'll prob start off with the Cubase that comes with the Tascam though. I assume i'll probably have to "get into it" a little bit more to figure out the software needs.

Something I can record to but will also let me use and assign my M-Audio MIDI keyboard..will Cubase allow this? I think I have Reason 3.0 somewhere that I used to assign the keyboard its sounds.

I have a 750 portable HDD and a 2 TB external, so i'm set on space for now.
What should I do in order to make sure my computer is "optimized for audio recording?"

Thanks, so much of my current knowledge on many things came from a forum, I'm excited to know more on this topic as much has always been my passion, making it is my way of giving back.
Yes, Cubase is one of the best for integration with MIDI devices.

This is the site I typically recommend for basic setup for audio performance. There are many others, but this one seemed the most clear for me. You can go further into tweaking at black viper, but is not really needed unless you are trying to get the absolute most from a limited machine. I wouldn't go there until you have issues.
Thanks for the info, good read and useful info for the way the Windows 7 is actually in 32 bit mode so that I can use all of the memory. I have another in 64 bit and it reserves like part of the memory for some reason so I figure I'll do 32 bit so I dont get that issue, though the processor will work with 64. In my experience more things are compatible with 32, I dont think anything will suffer by not using 64 though right?