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What monitors to get?

OK, I'm just getting started and trying to first get set-up for making some good recordings-

I've been told good nearfield monitors are a must, so I'm hitting that first-

My whole budget is around $1,500 and I need to buy a mixer, an external compresser and an audio interface, and have some dough left over for little odds and ends.

So relatively speaking, how much should I be looking to spend on some monitors? Which models does everyone recommend?

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The best monitors in the world won't record an acoustic guitar. You may think about getting mics, pres, and a recording medium (ie., Adat, Tascam, hard disk, tape, etc.) and wait to invest in high dollar monitors until you have the ability to record decent quality stuff. Just a thought.

Then again, you may have some of this stuff, but you didn't mention it, so I say ,"first things first"

Good luck.
What are you going to record?

I'd say do your soundcard and mic shopping before you worry so much about good monitors.