Newbie Mixer Questions


New member
Im not to familiar with mixers so these questions may be easy for you pros. If I get a mixer can I record, how will it send the sound back to my recording program? For example I will be using Adobe Audtion 1.5 and playback a beat can I just record would I have to map anything like a VST Instrument? And can I control the sound of beats through the mixers and record on another channel? So I would have to map out things into the channels? Should I plug my monitors into my mixer, because I dont know if its a good idea I would want to here sounds from my meoldys or samples I made on my PC. So how is it possable to here PC sounds If your going insult dont bother writing anything.
i'm not familiar with comp recording but you can record a beat, and on another track lay down vocals, and so on and so forth more midi ins and outs means more possible tracks to record to. i think
Jay_west said:
what would the multi ins and out do?
If you want to be able to record more than two tracks at a time, your computer's soundcard will not work. You'd need to get an "audio interface" of some type that can handle more than two channels of audio at a time. These interfaces can range anywhere from PCI cards with multi-cables hanging off of them to external boxes or rack-mount devices that connect to your PC via USB or FireWire cable. Additionally, these interface devices will have much higher sound quality than your stock sound card.

And the answer is, yes, you can use any of these devices with Audition, and Audition can record multiple tracks at once (as many as your hardware can handle) and you can record some tracks while playing other tracks, etc. It's just a question of interfacing the outside world to your PC.

SouthSIDE Glen said:
If you want to be able to record more than two tracks at a time, your computer's soundcard will not work. You'd need to get an "audio interface" of some type that can handle more than two channels of audio at a time. These interfaces can range anywhere from PCI cards with multi-cables hanging off of them to external boxes or rack-mount devices that connect to your PC via USB or FireWire cable. Additionally, these interface devices will have much higher sound quality than your stock sound card.

And the answer is, yes, you can use any of these devices with Audition, and Audition can record multiple tracks at once (as many as your hardware can handle) and you can record some tracks while playing other tracks, etc. It's just a question of interfacing the outside world to your PC.


WOW U were the only one who explained to it me well thanx man. So do you have links where I can get these wire because I knew if this information but not well you made it clear. I have this in mind :

So what color wires or names should I buy and how do I know which 1's are the rigth one's?
Yeah the Delta1010 is a decent basic example of what I was talking about and should get you started fairly well. There are at least a few 1010 users on this board that could help you out along the way.

Jay, you are just jumping into this fresh and young, so much so that you're having a hard time getting good answers to your questions because - to be honest - you're not even sure what quetions to ask yet. I'm not saying that to be mean at all, just being honest when I say what you could use the most right now before you make any purchases is a little more basic knowledge on the most basic concepts and mechanics of home recording.

Hit your library or bookstrore and look up "Home Recording for Dummies", which is actually a pretty good book to use as an introduction to the subject. After checking that out you have a much better idea on what direction to go and - even more important - just what questions to ask here. Frankly, when "what kind of wires do I need" is asked, that indicates that you are not ready to buy yet.
