Newbie here, would love some feedcack on acoustic song.


New member
Hi Everyone,

This is the first time I've recorded and mixed somebody else's music. I would love to hear what you guys think of the recording and mixing. My friend wrote the song as far as vocals, lyrics, and chords, but I play all instruments (including acoustic guitar, cause his takes were a little shaky) and added all other arrangements other than acoustic guitar. He only sings the song.

Also I'm from latin america, so the lyrics are in spanish, I hope that doesnt bother you guys too much.

It's an acoustic piece with a bit of interesting overdubs.

Let me know what you think. Thanks.
The mix sounds a lot better when I jack up the lower freqs and high freqs, It's thin as it is. And the guitars sound a lot more in-tune when I can hear the bass frequencies.

The vocal is kind of rough. Even by 'world music' standards.
The mix sounds a lot better when I jack up the lower freqs and high freqs, It's thin as it is. And the guitars sound a lot more in-tune when I can hear the bass frequencies.

The vocal is kind of rough. Even by 'world music' standards.

thanks for the feedback guys!

Just curious, what did you mean by too rough? The actual singing, how it was recorded, or that it was mixed pretty dry?

The actual singing performance.
"World" makes it's stamp , often, with rough, folksy ethnic grit. I would say this cat can't sing.
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Maybe you're right man, but just wanted to clarify its not supposed to be world music, its just a regular acoustic pop song. It just happens to be in spanish, we have pop music too hahaha.

Thanks for the feedback everyone!
1) somethings busted with the tunings between the guitars. Can't put my finger on it but seems there is a second guitar maybe baritone that is out of tune by a significant amount.

2) need more bass

3) singer might be ok, he actually sounds decent about 40% of the time, but there are a couple of places where he just loses pitch completely. more practice?

4) vocals need to be louder in relation to the guitars.

not a bad job overall, sounds like pop music.
congrats - if you're the producer you will have to learn to tell people that they did not nail it, and they need to take another shot.
If you're just being paid to track, smile, nod your head and take their money.
Pretty good recording, I think you did a good job on the overall mix. Could use some more bass but overall I thinkk it's good.... I've heard worse vocals - these aren't bad. Just keep singing away!
Hey thanks for the new feedback guys!

Most of the comments seem to be about the lacking bass, and I do have to agree with you on that one. This was done by choice because since there really werent any bass instruments in the song, I just wasnt feeling the bassy guitars. I've always liked cutting frequencies to highlight an instruments most relevant attributes and hiding most of the rest, I guess in this case it worked against me since there was no bass so the recording ended up with no bass haha.

Yeah I caught the singer losing pitch a number of times but I think he didnt do too bad a job, obviously could have been better.

I think that the weirdness in the guitars might be a couple of things, first they are tuned in a very very, weird and unique tuning that was made up by the singer, who also wrote the song. Not only does it sound a bit strange to the ear at first, it also makes guitars a bit hard to tune and they can lose tuning unexpectedly. I guess I either didnt catch a bit of weirdness while recording, or its just how that tuning and chords sound. Also, during the chorus, where a second arrpegiated part comes in, I put a subtle tremolo on the left acoustic guitar to give it a bit of a more percussive feel. Its barely noticeable but it just gives it the right feel I thought, and at the same time it might sound weird if you cant really understand what happened to that guitar all of a sudden, hahaha.

Thanks so much for commenting, feel free to keep it up I love reading all the feedback! All the best guys.