Newbie Drum-learninq question.

Anyone recommend a few good bands/songs for a beginner to jam along to? Thanks.

I have once a friend in high school in early 90's, he was a snare drummer for the school drum and bugle group, one time my friend introduced him to a drum set, listen to some Nirvana nevermind tunes and get hooked.

A few months later, became a good drummer covering Nirvana songs. I think it depends on the background and music interest of the beginner. AC/DC would be nice to start with; for a really talented/gifted guy he might want to try some Slayer tracks:)
Yeah, slow is harder even for me and I've been playing a while. I'm much more comfortable ripping through something at 200 bpm than I am at 80 bpm. Lucky for me I don't write slow stuff. :drunk:

I agree. It is much harder to play slow and keep time, than somethin'
with more groove or speed.
I was just discussing this the other day, with a fellow drummer at the
spot where I practice.

I'd much rather play at the pace of some old D.K. songs, or old S.T. :D
Even some old Discharge is a good pace.:p
You need to do both/ fast and slow

Playing slow allows you to practice your diction and improve your sound. Then when playing faster, be certain that you don't sacrifice any of your diction on the drums. Gradually build your speed and be certain that your notes are clean and clear, not just fast. The other thing to practice is different ways of treating the music percussively.

Just for shits and giggles, try approaching a piece "free style" ala Sunny Murray (from the Albert Ayler Trio of the early 60's) and not focus on the downbeat, but play texturally in and around the beat and then return to the timekeeper role. This is great practice for really feeling the pulse without pounding it. It will improve your perception of the pulse.
I don't play covers, but I would suggest:
Hank III - Straight to Hell disc 1.

If you don't mind the lyric content, this album is very fun. A few tracks don't have percussion, but you could easily come up something to fit. The other tracks have a variety of tempos which can help with your discipline and stamina.