Newbie Cubase Problem


New member
Someone just gave me cubase sx 3 to see if i want to purchase it. I usually use sonar. I have a primitive setup using a soundblaster live card modified with kx drivers. It does do aiso, and with sonar it works o.k.

I set up a couple of midi tracks using vsts,in cubase, and had no problems.
It sounds fine when i record, no latency etc. but when i play back the recorded tracks they are not in sync.

Could this have anything to do with the timebase button, linear or musical, or the fixed, or track tempo.

It sounds fine monitoring, but its as if they are an exact number of beats apart.

yes but

I know its not great, but with the kx drivers it does work with sonar, ntrack and the demo of ableton live. I just cannot get it to work with cubase, so i guess im not buying it. thanks.
Try ASIO4ALL. If you're using a MIDI device, an emulated driver could be causing you problems too. I think you should be able to use your current sound card without any sync issues. It's just a matter of figuring out the problem.
reply audio cave

thanks for the reply. I thought i had it, but i dont. I checked the use system timestamp checkbox, restarted and recorded 3 tracks totally in sync.
Then i added the fourth and i cannot get the forth track in sync.

i tried to find that file for the port, but i only had one in the directory,
enable emulated, not the other. I cant seem to download it from the cubase ftp either.
any other ideas?

oh i think its midi only, but i havent tried syncing audio tracks yet.

thanks. Im not sure what is meant by midi ports. My midi interface is a m-audio usb interface. I have nothing listed under the cubase windows direct setting.

i agree with your statement, but i dont know how much longer i can spend
trying to track the problem..


i ran into this problem and to fix it i had to switch master asio drivers in the device panel a couple of times.. even though they had been correct and working fine, no settings changed by me.

so.. maybe check out:

devices menu > device panel > VST Audiobay

there are numerous choices in the pulldown menu, perhaps a different one would show lower latency and allow for better operation.

it seems some are generic, and some are specific to each card.

the reason i mention this is that it has somehow magically changed on me a few times, so maybe yours is no longer set to the correct one.