New WIP like to get some feedback


New member
Just something I am working on atm and I'd like to know you guy's opinions/thoughts.
This is one track from a side project I am working on and I'm totally enjoying writing it style so far. I know there's nothing too complex going on but I feel that it is very "full" which is what I am aiming for, well, once it kicks in ;)

Let me know what you think,
Enjoy and thanks for checking it out!

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I like the melody, but the piano needs more backing it up, trying duplicating the layer and playing in a lower octave. Also the volume of the entire track seems a bit low. the electric guitar seems to over power a bit too much. Other than that I really enjoyed listening to it.
Thanks for the feedback psynik, I just played it through my speakers and came to the same conclusions. It's crazy how different something can sound through speakers instead of headphones! I've added more to it now and tomorrow I will set about making some changes to the levels and setting the mix right and I'll post an update when I get to a more finalized version

Cheers man
Soundcloud is probably destroying your mix...I'm getting a lot of distorted highs like on the sidestick and cymbals and the cymbals are very washed out. The volume is not an issue not sure why the last guy mentioned it. The keyboard is kinda lost in the mix with that distorted guitar? in front of it. Sort of washes the whole song out - again it could be soundclick's low res doing some of that. I like the tune and arrangement overall but the sound is just okay...