new tune... have a listen

not bad there guy. you got a lot basic stuff already squared away. The guitar sounds pretty nice, using the pan to move you picking of the top of the rythym was cool. I thought I was hearing something done on the wound strings kinda like bass in the background. The vocal could be a bit crispier. There is a little hiss coming from somewhere in your signal chain. You also might wanna study some mic placement for the guitar. The mic was picking up the pick striking the strings really strong. There`s a ton of info on this site about that. this link here has some interesting ideas about it as well


p.s. Welcome to the clinic. There`s plenty of help and exposure here on many aspects of recording.
Thanks Toki. I did put a "bass" track in there, but it's just the 6th string on my guitar since I don't have a bass. I agree the vocal could be improved; I sing quietly and I have only a $30 dynamic mic. The hiss comes from everywhere in my chain -- the aforementioned mic, audiobuddy, soundblaster, etc. Multiply that by four and you have some noise. The mic placement comment makes me laugh... I'm such a hack; I don't have a mic stand yet, so I just shoved it in the top drawer of my desk and pulled my chair up, aiming for roughly the 12th fret -- ha ha! Thanks again.
I'd like to hear you sing it 1 ocatve higher, I was singing along with it 1 ocatve higher and I thought it gave it much more brighter sound. BUT, you didn't sound bad, just quiet. You need more energy/dynamics in your voice.

The song itself is repeating but this is common in alot of musicians when they start writing songs and not riffs. :) I like the chord progression, but after 8 bars or so, try going to a bridge or chorus. Heck, just playing the same thing up a key or 2 for a few bars can break up the repetitiveness. :)

Keep it going, add some percussion later in the tune, crank up the dynamics a bit, add a bridge or a chorus, etc. Have fun!!
Politicker said:
Thanks Toki. I did put a "bass" track in there, but it's just the 6th string on my guitar since I don't have a bass. I agree the vocal could be improved; I sing quietly and I have only a $30 dynamic mic. The hiss comes from everywhere in my chain -- the aforementioned mic, audiobuddy, soundblaster, etc. Multiply that by four and you have some noise. The mic placement comment makes me laugh... I'm such a hack; I don't have a mic stand yet, so I just shoved it in the top drawer of my desk and pulled my chair up, aiming for roughly the 12th fret -- ha ha! Thanks again.

hehehe, you sound like me there hoss. I been recording with a soundblaster, a tube of goop, some sticks of wood, and a roll of duct tape for a while now. :)