New tune by Jeff and Kgirl


New member
Hi guys.

Jeff and I hardly ever visit here anymore, but we also don't get a lot recorded, haha. But, we've just started collabing together over the internet, and we made this most recently. Jeff actually wrote the song and the arrangement, which is wonderful, in my opinion. He mixed all his own stuff then sent me the backing track and let me do my thing. I took his basic melody and arranged the vocals how I wanted to, so this is what our collective style seems to be turning out to be. Hopefully we can continue some more and let you all hear them.

Any and all comments and suggestions are certainly welcome. We are just posting at that place, where we said, hell, let's post it. Haha.

The link to the song is called please even though it has a funny name here...been through a few incarnations, lol.

I think, haha. I figured that'd be easier than uploading it through this site. Please enjoy, and tell us whatever you'd like. Happy NEW YEAR too!!!!!

Kirstin (and Jeff)
Kirstin, Jeff,

Nice, melodious, flowing stuff, good singing and playing.

Arrangement: for me, at second verse, something needs to build. More texture in the background to keep the ears occupied, given the leisurely pace of the peace.
This also allows you to drop that out again when the guitar solo comes in, for tension/release. Then I wouldn't fade after the solo. Recap the second verse again, with texture, perhaps in a slightly higher key, and end with that, just let it shimmer out.


hey thanks guys! I do think we need to work on that arrangement some. We just kind of wanted to throw it up...just cause sometimes you just get that itch, you know? Haha...

Cosmic, we'll take those thoughts into consideration...i can definitely hear what you mean, and it would give it more structure.

But thanks both of you for dropping by!
At around 1:15 I could here some nice strings coming into that section to add some drama to it. I like the way the song sounds.
that's what he wanted...I'm sure NO ONE is using it. Oh yeah, except us. :p I may have overdone it truthfully, especially at the end, but he thought that my original version needed more to blend them together. I also used a plugin Ive never used. But, Jeff and I are both verb fans, sad, but true

I guess we aren't really going after 'current radio pop' :D But thanks for listening!
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I'm gonna edit again here, to say that I have no real monitors...when I mixed this it may have been too loud, and when I listen to it quiet, it's too vocally verby for me. But when I turn it up, I like it better. Just bad mixing, really.
Nice and smooth. Very nice.

It could def. use some strings as suggested before, although I never would have thought of that if I hadn't read that post first!

Relaxing and smooth. Sounds very good on my headphones.
I'm a reverb fan too, probably cause I'm usually trying to hide my poor vocals :D Your singing is nice though and sounds good on these headphones with the verb IMO
The 1:10 break is cool.
The acoustic solo sound later is excellent.
Just a thought, I could hear piano adding to this. Maybe some acoustic solo piano interaction later in the solo would sound cool. Like just piano chords first, then maybe playing along with the acoustic and switching off or so on...
To me, when your vocals came in at the end it did sound like it was leading to something else, maybe another chorus or something.... then it faded out.
Alrighty, very cool song, enjoyed it much ;)