New To Mixing vocals..Need Feedback


New member
Im just learning how to mix vocals, as im stuck in the middle of no where on house arrest for 6 months so i had to invest in a little home studio and learn everything on my own. Im improving slowly but could benefit from some of your guys feed back and advice. Im using a at 2020 ran through a blue icicle usb interface m recording with cool edit pro 2.
heres the mix:
Cold World by Beebellmusic
Lil enough for house arrest ?
Still, it's good to make productive use of your time.
By the way, the link you have says "Page not found".
I high pass at 100hz boost about 3dB at 120hz. I also boost around 4k to make the vocal more comprehensible. 8k high shelf for air as well.

Some compression with fast attack and medium release will also do well.