New to Cubase


New member
I just got cubase sx 1.07 but I am having a few pronlems getting it to work with my M-Audio OmniStudio USB. I am able to record MIDI, but I can't get any monitering or playback. With audio, it records through the internal mic on my Ti Laptob and plays back though the internal speakers. I have the OmniStudio set as my input and output in the System Preferences. I get ouput though my OmniStudio using Reason, but I can't figure out how to do it Cubase.

Also, on a semi-related note... My OmniStudio came with a free version of Reason and I really, really like it except that it doesn't record audio, only MIDI. What is the closest thing I will find to Reason, but with audio? I like the way it was set up and the mixer, drum machines and synths all in that one window.

Thanks guys for any help.

Did you set up the ins and outs in cubase? Try getting the upgrade, I think they are on version 3 now.