New stickies / new FAQs?


New member
What do you guys think about updating the FAQs and maybe making a couple new stickies? Kind of like how the Ethan Winer board has a "READ ME FIRST" with TONS of basic information?

I've read through the FAQ, and it does seem somewhat lacking. There aren't many examples of miking techniques or microphone descriptions, which is what 90% of the threads are about. If we're looking for efficiency and eliminating redundancy, I think a moderated sticky might be a good answer...just depends on how much Dragon (or whoever is currently the Mod) wants to watch things.

Also, lots of great miking techniques are described in Harvey's thread, which has been summarized and compiled by several members. What if we made a new closed sticky thread with a separate post for each section (i.e. Microphone Types, Recording Guitars, Recording Drums, etc.)?

If you guys like the idea, we should start a thread and have everyone submit all the techniques and tips that they can. Also, we should have another thread where everyone submits their reviews and opinions regarding differences between microphones.

What do you think?
All I see is that Rep thread. Am I missing something???

Bah, maybe I was too ambitious this morning.