New Sounds for Reason?


New member
Is there anyone out there who knows where to get some new samples for reason?

Any good web sites with free drum sounds to download?

Can you open other instruments in reason that didnt come with the program or is it restricted to the NXT, NN19 Malstrom, REX, REDRUM, Subractor?
Here's a LINK to a whole bunch of Reason stuff.

Some is for 2.0, some for 2.5, some is no longer at the links shown but overall most of the stuff is very good and a high percentage is free.
djdarwin said:
Can you open other instruments in reason that didnt come with the program or is it restricted to the NXT, NN19 Malstrom, REX, REDRUM, Subractor?

Reason is stand alone and does not accept inputs from other software. It works with other software sequencers and recording software via rewire, but only as a very good source of some awesome instruments and synth for the price.