new songs

Another slooow server. 3.4 KB/sec won't do it for me. I did a quick check at nowhereradio and Waldo's server is humming along just fine.
Cool Song :D
I'm too new to offer mix advice, but things seem to sound O.K.
BTW, did you guy's use the keyboard for the bass as it sounded real smooth? .......Joe :D
Yep the bass is midi driven which to me makes it a little too smooth but i am not much of a bass player so use what ya got kinda thing.
Hey man...welcome (I haven't seen you here before).

I like the song. Cool lyrics. The recording sounded pretty good to me. I really don't have any complaints. Sounds fine on my computer speakers.

The only thing that really stuck out that bothered me a little was the "turn and run" lyric at about 0:33. You really reach down and scoop that ruuuun :D. Almost too much...even for Country ;) :D. Just personal YMMV.

Nice work