New songs recorded in Acid

ok dude first off... sorry your thread fell off page one, but unless you're talking 'bout th' LSD... the word "ACID" sends people here running... something about it conjures painful memories of preteens doing extremely lame, one-chord-for-20-minutes trance techno. Pardon us for recoiling in horror... :)

That said, your stuff is nothing like that... the "ruby" song is very interesting... the beagles barking/howling sound cute. IIRC in the intro or something, the timing was off... can't tell cuz I'd have to stream it again and there'aint no way in hell I'd dl it (have to sign up! Fo-get it! :))

Then again, I'd have to dl it to give a mix critique. People here who like country/bluegrass/blues would dig this. Here's a bump back up to pg 1...
