New song

Hey Pedro:
Thought somebody should listen to your tune & comment on it.
Keeping in mind that it is a rough mix, there is alot I would suggest.
The first thing that caught my ear was the drum machine. I would definitely change the "snare" beat on the song. It sounds more like a glitch or a skipping sound than a snare.
The backing vocals came in late, were a little off key at parts, and unevenly mixed.
The lyrics were too bland, but that may be your translation of them to English.
On the plus side, I think your Swedish accent works on this type of tune. It adds style to it.
And I liked the piano on it, it was a nice touch throughout the song.
The melody & song structure was good on it too.

In short, to fix the rough mix:
Kill the drum machine, or at least change the snare sound.
Have the backing vocals tighten up.
Trying to sing it in English is obviously the way to make money with it, but record it first in your native Swedish dialect, then see how others may translate it.

Happy Recording!


Thanx for your feedback. I agree with it. Regarding the drum sound my synthesizer has a crappy drum sound and so does my soundcard (Soundblaster Live Platinum). Does anyone know where I can find any decent ones? I've heard that ReBirth is good, but haven't checked it out. Or maybe adding a few effects in Cubase could help?

The unevenly mix is probably due to mixing thru crappy speakers. I'll go out and get a pair of Alesis M1 Actives today, hope this will help out....

Thanx again,

Have to agree with Dougie on the bad snare really does sound like a vinyl skip....and the vocals need a lot of I've mentioned before, I don't want to bash a singer too much, but voice IS an instrument too, and as such, needs to be in tune and played well...and there are lots of us here, myself included, that don't have great voices, trust me...however, a little work to stay on key would help...those vocals are just as important as the rest of the instruments.....gibs
auto tune


Maybe running the vocals through auto tune would help? Do you have any experience with it? To my understanding there is a VST plug-in version of it.

I've heard great things about the can do almost anything with a vocal....however, breathing, practice, and really listening to yourself sing helps a whole lot....I can't at all sing if I've got headphones on entirely, I have to have some space to find a pitch, so I usually move one of the ears to one side while I'm attempting to sing.....whatever works, I guess.......gibs