New Song When I'm Feeling This Way

Sounds like a good tune. The kick is pretty strong though, I'd probably bring it down. Maybe some vocal "treatment"? At first the pauses came across like there was something missing, like it needed a slide up the bass guitar neck to transition but after listening to it a few times through, I could go either way. Nice musicianship.
I like how crisp and "present" the vocals are. The loud kick is not a problem if that's the intended effect, overall sounds very professional.
kick is loud, but sounds nice, but in relation to the snare it's pretty loud. The drum panning seems a little extreme and distracting to me. Are these real drums or a sim? I'm not a drum expert, but these are just my layman's observations.

The arrangement needs something. It gets a little boring with such a simple mix repeating like that. Maybe building up and adding some more instruments or parts, or excitement as the song goes on. Maybe some louder guitars on the second chorus, and some little lead parts starting around the second verse. Something to liven up the arrangement would go a long way.

Everything sounds clean and clear, so it's a good start.
The kick is way too loud, it really buries the snare. The drum loop isn't working, add some variety in there. I don't think theres any crashes in there, right ? The guitars need more presence, more feel. Right now they're kind of floating around. Otherwise it sounds good, the vocals are clean.
Thanks Steve, Shabeel, Aaron and Saads. Yes this is a programmed drum track played back though Sonar TTS1 synth which I adjusted snare down 'cause it was too much but I guess I forgot to compensate on the kick. Being a bassist I kinda like it but you're right. We do plan on adding to this including a live drum track. As it sits it's playable 3 pc. featuring Gerry (ido1957) on Stratocaster through Podx3live, Mike (me) on Rickenbacker 4001 through Ampeg SVT4pro and also on Vocal using Rode NT2A direct to Edirol interface, editing in Sonar X1.
This is a good song. As mentioned there is development needed in the mix & possibly arrangement but you have the basic song sorted. I hear the bass slightly off centre to balance the guitar on the otehr side BUT (now, I'm wearoing head phones so this is why it'll sound weird) the bass is coming from the back of the R side & my head & the guitar front L.
I look forward to developments Mike - good start.