New Song - Wanted to know what you think


New member
Recorded this at my friend's house through a Soundcraft 500 series.

The vocals were recorded with an MXL990 and the guitar was recorded with the LR Baggs under-saddle transducer and a Baby Bottle on the 12th fret.

Its poo. Need to tune yourself with the guitar. I was lookin for the thread jake said something about this but couldn't find it. Even flow would be better as well. Seems like you kept getting closer to the mic and backing off at certain parts. Someone will say something to get ya along a little better.

Randy Jackson says:

"It was aighht dawg - I just ain't feelin' it though -- you know what I am sayin'"

Seriously though. It was okay.

What livilaNic said about the vocals coming in and your backing away or something...sometimes what you were saying was inaudible.
You need to be up in that mic ( a great one by the way) maybe some compression to get an even constant level.

Also I think this is the quote that livilaNic was looking for from jake:

Try this, sit down with your guitar and hold the chords. Pluck the strings one by one and sing the notes making very sure to hit each note strong. Go through the whole song this way chord by chord everyday and I will guarrantee by the third day you will be 100% better.

This recording is just guitar and vocals it should be way more in your face.

There is some intersting stuff going on song wise it just needs something else - I am thinking try strumming differently during the chorus, prechorus or verse..just to change it up a bit... it gets kind of boring after a bit.

You kind of sound like Elvis Costello (YES that is a compliment)
shookiejones said:
Also I think this is the quote that livilaNic was looking for from jake:Try this, sit down with your guitar and hold the chords. Pluck the strings one by one and sing the notes making very sure to hit each note strong. Go through the whole song this way chord by chord everyday and I will guarrantee by the third day you will be 100% better.

Thats it! Good job!