New song turned out to be a lullaby!


Not meaning it to turn out like one, this song sure fits the discribition of a lullaby. I had a different idea in mind while I was writing it, redemption or salvation maybe, but my 16 month old grandson thought differntly when he fell asleep while I sang it to him. Proof positive that it's a lullaby.

Your lenientcy is appreciated, my voice is still a little rough from a 2nd round of throat surgery but I think it gets the point across. Give a listen and lem'me know what you think!

Thanks all.
Jiff41 & jimmys69, thanks very much for the vote of confidence. Disney, that's shooting kinda high for me!
I was happy to have it sound as good as it does for as easily as came together when writing it.

Thanks again.
Once the piano came in I missed the intro sound.
I think I'd have loved it with just the two instruments - your voice & it.
The arrangement after the intro is probably too predictable & influenced by the lullaby concept once you recognised it.
Hit the de esser or reduce the reverb.