New song,this time jazz

nice guitar playing at the beginning. i don't like how it's panned off to the side though, try keeping the guitar solo in the middle until the rhythm comes in.
sorry to say though, this isn't really jazz. lol
Remember, just because there are V7 chords, doesn't mean it's jazz ;)

It definitely sounds like it was played in one big live room...especially the drums. Very open/verby. So if that's the sound you're going for, then ya got it. Again, during the guitar solo...bring it upfront in the middle of the mix. You want people to pay attention to that with BOTH ears. Rhythm guitars could come down when the vocals are singing...can't hear him very well. Watch some of your rhythms on the guitar strumming, you kind of get off here and there.

and i'm not too sure about the McDonald's reference at the end :confused:
I like it...although if you want a general critique, it went on kinda long.

By that I mean that you have interesting rhythm & chords going, but going on as it does, it loses its effectiveness. That could be just me, though.

Definitely a cool vibe you've got going on, though.
Ok, thanks for the feedback. Bennychio11 what genre would you call this song? I agree with the point about the intro being panned, i will change that soon. The vibe i was going for was, as you said, an open reverby sound. This was however, done afterwards rather than the mic positioning/room size.
Thanks again
I would probably classify it more as modern rock. You start off with a nice, jazzy feel/sound with the guitar at the beginning...but then the other guitar parts (rhythms/solos) aren't anywhere jazz like nor is the drummer's beat. It's not a bad thing, you just got my hopes up when I saw jazz in the title ;) The vocal stylings are also more modern rockish.