New Song - should I change it?


New member

This is a song I wrote and recorded this weekend. It's just me and the guitar right now. Very lyrically and musically simple. At first I envisioned a second guitar coming at the end of the first verse and then build from there until the end where it's just me and the guitar again.

Give a listen and let me know what you think of the song and if you think it's ok as-is or could use some more.

"Me and You" -

Thanks in advance!!
Nice playing! Bring the lows in the guitar down a little. It masks off the vox on times. A little compression on the vox and guitar and you are done. Great tune played with a lot of heart. I really like it.
Nice song and performance is good. The vocals seem to me a little distant. Did you record guitar and vocals at the same time with one mic? Two? How far? Curious if what I'm hearing is accurate.
Thanks for listening, folks.

To reply to both of you, I think I'm going to re-record the whole song on more than one track. This was done in one take playing and singing at the same time. I have 2 crummy $100 condenser mics, one near the guitar and one at my head for the vocals. Its always been easier for me to sing and play at the same time. It seems to capture the emotions better.

Of all the songs I write only a few I ever like. This one has grown on me and I think I'll take some time and finish it correctly

thanks again!